- 定to set
- 大多数的人都是先行动再思考行动的后果,自律则要求相反的程序: 你将学习“谋定而后动”。Most people act first and think about the consequesnces later. Self-discipline will reverse that process. You will learn to think before you act.
- 七、谋定后动。有长远谋略,就会有耐性肯下功夫,自然产生正确的努力方向及希望。Set goals for yourself to ensure a constant sense of purpose.
- 大多数的人都是先行动再思考行动的后果,自律则要求相反的程序:你将学习“谋定而后动”。Most people act first and think about the consequesnces later. Self-discipline will reverse that process. You will learn to think before you act.
- 看哪,他们亨通不在乎自己。恶人所谋定的离我好远。Their good is not in their hand: the counsel of the wicked is far from me.
- 不动motionless
- 落後lag
- 谋seek
- 待定undetermined
- 心动aroused in interest
- 後者latter
- 绑定binding
- 在後behind
- 不定indefinite
- 脉动pulsating movement
- 後勤logistical
- 不动的motionless
- 搞定settle
- 後代posterity
- 向後backward