- 有只狐狸在鸡舍附近踅来踅去There be a fox on the prowl near the chicken coop
- 有只狐狸在鸡舍附近踅来踅去.There was a fox on the prowl near the chicken coop.
- 有只狐狸在鸡舍附近踅来踅去。There was a fox on the prowl near the chicken coop.
- 踅walk with one leg
- 踅摸look around for
- 去过been
- 多年来for the past many years
- 去找go for
- 用来be used for
- 拿来bring
- 去旅行go on a journey
- 来料supplied materials
- 拿去go off with
- 年来over the last ... years
- 常去resort
- 来人messenger; the one who came
- 去向trace
- 来吧come on
- 去皮peel off
- 如来Buddha