- 山羊B组轮状病毒KB-63株动物感染实验Experiment in Infection of Animals with Kid Group B Rotavirus KB-63 Strain
- 在昆虫细胞中表达轮状病毒我国地方株VP4并构建病毒样颗粒Expression of Rotavirus VP4 from Field Strain Selected in Beijing, China and Construction of Virus-Like Particles (VP2/4/6) in Insect Cells
- B组轮状病毒Group B rolavirus
- A组轮状病毒rotavirus
- 小鼠轮状病毒EW株VP7基因的克隆及其在重组腺病毒中的表达Cloning and expression in replication defective recombinant adenovirus of VP7 of murine rotavirus EW strain
- 小儿轮状病毒infant rotaviral
- 人冠状病毒株human corona virus strain
- 轮状病毒rotavirus
- 轮状病毒VP7基因VP7 protein of rotavirus
- 轮状病毒VP4抗原Rotavirus VP4 antigen
- 研究表明,双歧杆菌可以减少或阻止轮状病毒,它会引发儿童腹泻。It has also been suggested that bifidobacteria reduce or prevent the excretion of rotaviruses, a cause of diarrhea among children.
- 小儿急性轮状病毒肠炎的电解质渗透压与阴离子间隙分析Analysis on electrolyte and osmotic pressure and anion gap of acute rotavirus enteritis children
- 兔轮状病毒Lapine rotavirus
- 小轮状病毒Minireovirus; Minirotavirus
- 新轮状病毒Novel rotavirus
- 猪轮状病毒porcine rotavirus; Swine rotavirus
- 副轮状病毒Pararotavirus
- 轮状病毒Vp4rotavirus Vp4 gene
- 轮状病毒属rotavirus
- 轮状病毒组Rotavirus group