- 韧硬兼蓄have both the quality of tenacity and hardness
- 只要两者兼取生活才会完美无暇It is by doing both that we live life to its fullest
- 软硬soft or hard; gentle or harsh
- 宏利连夺两项服务第壹大奖三夺保险公司类别服务第壹大奖兼取新增强积金服务第壹大?Manulife Wins Two Top Service Awards Third-time winner of Top Service Award in insurance company category and winner of the inaugural MPF service category?
- 硬hard
- 兼simultaneous
- 酸味和苦味的基本味蕾位于靠近口腔顶部软硬颚的交界处。The primary tastes of sour and bitter are near the junction of the soft and hard palates in the roof of the mouth.
- 半软硬领semisoft collar
- 软硬酸碱hard and soft acid and base
- 软硬不吃yield neither to persuasion nor to coercion
- 软硬岩soft or hard rock
- 软硬体software and hardware
- 软硬相间alternatively distributed soft and hard rock
- 软硬开发software and hardware development
- 软硬范畴category of softness
- 软硬适中neither too hard nor too soft
- 软硬腭裂uranostaphyloschisis
- 软硬结合hardware/software
- 软硬通吃do anything without election
- 软硬两手the stick and the carrot