
[guò lái]




过来 [guò lai]
  • - (向着自己的方向) come over; come up:

    Come over here, quick! 快过来!

    I've just come past the library. 我刚从图书馆过来。

过来 [guo lai]
  • - (用在动词后,表示来到自己所在的地方):

    recapture the position seized by the enemy 把敌人占领的阵地夺过来

    - (用在动词后,表示使正面对着自己):
    - (用在动词后,表示回到原来的、正常的状态):
过来 [guò lái]
  • - (用在动词后,多跟“得”或“不”连用,表示时间、能力、数量充分或不足) can manage:

    The work is not much, I can manage it alone. 活儿不多,我一个人也忙得过来。

    There are so many good articles in papers and periodicals recently that one can't read them all. 最近报刊上有那么多好文章,简直看不过来。



  1. 别胡闹了,过来给我帮个忙。
    Stop fucking around and come and give me a hand.
  2. 你过来试试看。
    Come on over to have a try.
  3. 你能过来和我们作伴吗?
    Can you come over and join us?
  4. 车朝我开过来时约翰叫道: "小心!"
    "Look out!" Jone called as the car came towards me.
  5. 当她看到他走过来的时候,她的脸亮了起来。
    Her face lit up when she saw he was coming.
  6. 她轻快地沿花园小径跑过来。
    She came tripping down the garden path.
  7. 一位空中小姐走过来,问他是否想要些饮料。
    An air stewardess came and asked him if he would like some drink.
  8. 数小时后,他清醒过来。
    It was many hours before he came back to life.


目录 查词历史