- 天涯skyline
- 咫尺天涯so near and yet so far
- 遍布全国spread all over the country
- 遍布全球spread all over the world
- 河的两边遍布纵横交错的水渠。Canals checkerboard the countryside on both sides of the river.
- 海内存知己天涯若比邻A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.
- 天空遍布点点云。The sky was flecked with clouds.
- 海内存知己,天涯若比邻a bosom friend afar brings a distant land near
- 振作起来吧,天涯何处无芳草。Snap out of it, you can find another girlfriend.
- 最近一次恐怖分子攻击后,街道上武装警卫遍布。The streets bristled with armed guards after the latest terrorist attack.
- 我喜欢沙滩, 不喜欢遍布小圆石的海滩.I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly one.
- 亡命天涯Fugitive
- 遍布be found everywhere
- 一望天涯A vast expanse
- 这一大型组织的分支机构遍布欧洲。The large organization has offshoots all over Europe.
- 天涯亭Tian-ya Pavilion
- 有许多的公共汽车路线遍布于这一地区。There are lots of bus lines covering the area.
- 天涯家园A Home at the End of the World
- 遍布着be a mass of
- 走天涯travel around