- 遮挡keep out
- 遮掩to cover
- 瞒conceal from
- 掩码mask
- 瞒着chouse
- 子网掩码subnet mask
- 瑕不掩瑜the defects cannot obscure the virtues
- 雨伞不太遮挡得住大雨。The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain.
- 在夜幕遮掩下hidden under the mantle of night
- 她会轻易地瞒过他。She can easily outfox him.
- 难掩be difficult to hide
- 墙壁遮挡着,使我们免遭风吹。The wall sheltered us from the wind.
- 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。The entry of the cave was hidden by trees.
- 掩模mask
- 窗外的树木把房子遮挡得暗然无光。The trees outside the windows deprive the house of light.
- 他瞒着我到那里去的。He went there unbeknown to me.
- 这种事情是不可能遮掩的。It's impossible to hush a thing like this up.
- 掩膜mask
- 远山被云雾遮掩着。The distant hills were enveloped in clouds and mist.
- 遮挡板shutter