



  • - (解释) explain; elucidate:

    explain the meaning (of a word, etc.) 释义

    - (消除) clear up; dispel:

    explain or understand clearly, like the thawing of ice 涣然冰释

    - (放开; 放下) let go; be relieved of:

    be fond of sth. and unwilling to part with it; 爱不忍释

    (feel) as if relieved of a heavy load; 如释重负

    - (释放) release; set free:

    release on bail; bail; 保释

    set prisoners free; release prisoners 释俘

  • - (释迦牟尼的简称) Sakyamuni
    - (泛指佛教) Buddhism
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Shi Jiaoran 释皎然



  1. 他不喜欢对他自己的所作所为作出解释。
    He didn't relish the prospect of having to explain his behavior.
  2. 别向他解释,那只是对牛弹琴。
    Don't explain it to him; it's only playing the lute to a cow.
  3. 你能解释这些外文词的意思吗?
    Can you explain the meaning of these foreign words?
  4. 律师向我们解释了新法律。
    The lawyer explained the new law to us.
  5. 我不太明白,你能再解释一下吗?
    I didn't quite follow; could you explain it again?
  6. 让我解释迟到的理由。
    Let me explain why I was late.
  7. 先读课文,然后解释生词。
    Read the text first and then explain the new words.


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