



  • - (野外) open country; the open:

    open spaces [country]; wilderness; 旷野

    open fields; 田野

    - (界限) limit; boundary:

    line of demarcation; 分野

    field of vision 视野

    - (不当政的地位) not in power; out of office:

    be forced to relinquish power; 下野

    a party not in power 在野党

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ye Chu 野处

  • - (野生的; 非驯养的) wild; uncultivated; undomesticated; untamed:

    wild flower; 野花

    wild ox 野牛

    - (蛮横; 粗鲁) rude; rough:

    rough play; 动作太野

    act wildly; behave rudely; 撒野

    - (不受约束) unrestrained; abandoned; unruly:

    After the fun he's had during the holidays, the boy can't concentrate on his school work. 放了几天假,这孩子的心都玩野了。



  1. 跟踪野生动物必须悄然无声。
    Tracking wild animals requires great stealth.
  2. 这些狂野的年轻人什么都不尊重。
    Nothing is sacred to these wild youths.
  3. 农民们正在田野里收割稻子。
    The peasants are harvesting rice in the field.
  4. 她的野心没有限度。
    Her ambition knows no limit.
  5. 白雪皑皑,铺满田野。
    The fields were all covered with pure white snow.
  6. 北美的气候是世界上最适合野生葡萄生长的。
    North America has the world's best climate for wild grapes.


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