
[liàng rù wéi chū]




量入为出 [liàng rù wéi chū]
  • - make both ends meet; adjust one's expense to one's income; base one's expenditures upon one's income; cut one's coat according to one's cloth; keep expenditures within the limit of income; keep expenses within one's income; limit expenditures in accordance with one's income; limit one's coat according to one's cloth; limit one's expenses by one's income; live within one's means; measure [regulate] the expenditure by one's income; not spend more than one's income; pay as you go; plan one's expenditures in the light of one's income; proportion the expenses to the receipts [to one's income]; spend no more than one earns [one's income]; stretch one's legs according to the coverlet; Stretch [Put] your arm [hand] no further than your sleeve will reach.



  1. 什么,应该量入为出?——我们虽然穷,哈里,可我们还没穷到那么糟糕呢。
    Live within our means? - we may be poor, Harry, but we are not that badly off.
  2. 什么,应该量入为出?——我们虽然穷,哈里,可我们还没究到那么糟呢。
    Live within our means?—We may be poor, Harry, but we are not that badly off.


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