- 核糖体DNA内转录间隔区rDNA internal transcribed spacer
- 魁蚶核糖体DNA基因转录间隔区的序列特征Sequence analysis of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers of bloody clam, Scapharca broughtonii
- 每两行树苗间隔3米。There is a space of three meters between two rows of saplings.
- DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- 船舱之不漏水的间隔或隔壁。a partition that divides a ship or plane into compartments.
- 复制DNArepetition DNA
- 谈话中的间隔a lapse in the conversation.
- 间隔的晴朗天气interludes of bright weather
- dna沟dna groove
- 间隔劈理spaced cleavage
- 这是有门间隔之梳妆台。It's a dresser with doored compartments.
- 总DNATotal DNA
- 古DNAancient DNA
- 间隔押韵Form of poetry intricately rhymed
- DNA槽DNA groove
- DNA环DNA circle
- DNA酶deoxyribonuclease; DNase
- DNA泡DNA puff