



  • - (靠边的或分界的地方) border; boundary; edge:

    the edge of a body of water; waterside; 际水

    horizon; 天际

    - (里边; 中间) inside:

    in one's head [mind] 脑际

    - (彼此之间) between; among; inter-:

    between spring and summer; 春夏之际

    international; between nations; 国际

    - (时候) occasion; time:

    at the time of parting; 临别之际

    the moment between life and death; 生死之际

    - (遭遇) one's lot; circumstances:

    vicissitudes in one's life; one's lot 遭际

  • - (正当; 适逢其时) on the occasion of:

    on the occasion of this grand gathering 际此盛会

    - (接近; 挨着) reach; get close to:

    height cannot be reached 高不可际



  1. 格子纵列在国际象棋棋盘或西洋跳棋盘上一列垂直排列或在两名游戏者之间的方格
    Any of the rows of squares that run vertically or between players on a playing board in chess or checkers.
  2. 往来交往个人或群体间的交往或交际
    Dealings or communications between persons or groups.
  3. 他说他是牛津毕业的,但实际上他从没上过大学。
    He said he graduated from Oxford, while in effect, he never went to college.
  4. 这两国间实际上处于战争状态。
    A virtual state of war exists between the two countries.


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