- 非典型Scheuermann病atypical scheuermarm' s disease
- 非典型法氏囊病atypical bursal disease
- 病sickness
- 非典型动力现象atypical dynamic phenomenon
- 病的morbid
- 非典型劳动关系atypical labor relations
- 病死die in one's bed
- 不到长城非好汉He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
- 病机pathogenesis
- 非标nonstandard
- 病好了sit up and take nourishment
- 这是新形势的典型特色。It is paradigmatic of new situations.
- 病毒性肝炎virus hepatitis
- 非典型抗抑郁药物atypical antidepressants
- 病区infected patch
- 他的行为是愚蠢的典型例子。His actions are a monument to foolishness.
- 脑病encephalopathy
- 【谚】罗马非朝夕建成。Rome was not build in a day.
- 非接触non-contact
- 她是那种百无聊赖的家庭主妇的典型。She typifies the bored housewife.