- 宫颈靡烂cervical erosion
- 非靡烂性反流病NERD
- 很多前所未见的关键因素被加进来,结局充满了华丽空虚而靡烂的官方叙述。Several key never-before-seen elements have also been added and the result is a full immersion in the gaudy, decaying police state.
- 因为你不遵循秩序,在你的领土上有过多的靡烂生活与自作主张的行为,所以,你最终失败了。我可以原谅你一次,但我不会永远对你的亦正亦邪容忍下去。PLAYER), you have failed because you are disorderly and entertain too many notions in your domain. I will not tolerate your ambivalence forever.
- 靡wasted
- 烂醉fuddle
- 打烂batter down
- 低靡at a low tide
- 捣烂pound
- 披靡be routed
- 烂尾楼incomplete or delayed projects
- 他最近总是委靡不振。He has been dispirited recently.
- 木头烂了。The wood was rotten.
- 委靡listless; dispirited; dejected
- 苹果烂了。The apples spoiled.
- 敌步兵让咱们的炮火打得稀巴烂。The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery.
- 靡靡soft; decadent
- 霜下了之后,红薯烂掉了。Sweet potatoes decayed after the frost.
- 淫靡obscene; decadent
- 她移开视线不去看他那只打烂的右手。She withdrew her eyes from his smashed right hand.