
['ʃeɪdɪd]     ['ʃeɪdɪd]    
  • 遮阳的;与名词连用形成形容词指遮阳的; comb.;表示"遮荫的"



动词 shade:
  1. cast a shadow over

  2. represent the effect of shade or shadow on

  3. protect from light, heat, or view

  4. vary slightly

  5. pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree

形容词 shaded:
  1. protected from heat and light with shade or shadow- Alexander Pope

  2. (of pictures or drawings) drawn or painted with degrees or gradations of shadow



  1. Use shaded skylights to compensate for any resultant loss of natural daylight.
  2. Place a shaded courtyard next to the main living areas to act as a cool air well.
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