- Near the image center is the bright star Arcturus. 在影像中央附近是明亮的大角星。
- R.K.Lenz and R.Y.Tsai, “Techniques for calibration of the scale factor and image center for high accuracy 3D machine vision metrology,” Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.Robotics Automation, pp.68-75, Mar. 1987. 王玲玲,“室内自动车航行之研究:摄影机校正、模式比对导航及障碍物避碰,”国立交通大学资讯工程研究所博士论文,民国79年。
- Live images from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. 直播新墨西哥州阿尔布开克,美国。
- Near the image center, though, seen through clouds, was the most unusual sight of all: Comet McNaught. 上面影像中央,透过云层可以看到最为罕见的景色:麦克诺特彗星。
- Jutting out diagonally from the Milky Way in the image center are dark dust bands known as the Dark River. 在影像中央,由银河内斜伸出的是一条黑暗尘埃带,被称为暗河。
- A well-equipped Photo Workroom is to be provided next to the Kodak Image Center in MPC.There are Photo Workrooms in the VMCs with necessary facilities. 主新闻中心(MPC)内配备齐全的摄影记者工作间,紧邻柯达影像中心。在各比赛场馆的媒体中心(VMC)同样设有设施完善的摄影记者工作间。
- Musicality is a "secondary image" in poetry and an important way to form emotional life images of poetry. 音乐性正是诗歌中的一个“二级幻象”,它是形成诗歌情感生活幻象的重要方式。
- Close inspection of the above image will reveal rings of Mercury's Rembrandt impact basin circling around the image center. 仔细观察上面的影像可以看到水星的伦布兰特碰撞盆地环,围绕着影像的中央。
- Since Cassini was nearly in the plane of Saturn's rings, the normally impressive rings are visible here only as a thin line across the image center. 当时卡西尼号几乎位于土星环面上,因此通常很壮观的行星环,在此时看起来只是一道纵贯过图像中央的细线而已。
- A 400-kilometer wide impact basin is visible near the image center, delineated by deep scarps that drop sharply to the crater floor. 一个400公里宽的冲击坑在图近中间处可见,是被深深的碎片直接掉落在表壳所勾勒出来。
- State broadcaster CCTV showed live images of Zhigang as he floated out of the orbiter module's hatch. 中国的国家电视台中央电视台现场直播了翟志刚漂浮在轨道舱外的画面。
- Check back for more details and live images after the Alfa MiTo GTA makes its debut at next month's Geneva Motor Show. 回来检查需要更详细的资料和现场照片后,阿尔法美图使得多伦多亮相在下个月的日内瓦车展。
- Headquartered at the MPC, photographers will be offered an integrated work area in the lower ground level with a fully equipped photo work room and Kodak Image Center. 主新闻中心是摄影记者的工作基地,在它的地下一层有一个摄影记者专用的综合工作区,包括了摄影工作区和柯达影像中心。
- A major worldwide series of nine tournaments. Results, live scores, live images, chats with the stars, news, reports, statistics, and games. 九场比赛的一个主要世界范围的系列。结果,实时分数,实时图象,与星一起的聊天,新闻,报告,统计,和比赛。
- The image of sphericity which does not located the principal optic axis is an ellipse based on pinhole model,and the image center offsets from the projection of the sphere center. 针孔成像模型下非主光轴上的球体成像为椭圆,椭圆中心偏离球心投影点。
- In this thesis, the writer studied Shanghai local TV community news as reflected in the Shanghai secular life images. 本文运用内容分析法,研究上海本地电视社会新闻所反映的上海社会生活图像。
- An approximate line passing through the center is approached by anamorphic curves.Intersection of two different approximate lines is regarded as the image center. 无需任何预先参数,利用畸变曲线拟合逼近过中心的近似直线,通过两直线的交点求得图像对称中心。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- With up to 16 simultaneous live images arranged according to the site plan, Hirschmann's Video Management System VIMAS keeps a sharp eye on everything at all times. 有着可同时显示多达16路活动图像功能的赫斯曼的视频管理系统VIMAS始终用它敏锐的眼睛注视着一切。
- Andy said she would give me the live dope. 安迪说她可以向我提供最新的内部消息。