- 3D data registration 三维数据拼接
- Can expertly using CATIA/PRE to build 3D data. 能熟练运用CATIA/PRE制造三维模型;
- The 3D data are processed smoothly with the help of bicubic spline interpolation. 采用双三次样条插值对三维数据体进行圆滑处理。
- In this paper, the application of coherency cube technique in the 3D data of Baodian Coal Mine is discussed. 摘要主要讨论相干体技术在鲍店煤矿十采区实际地震资料中的应用。
- Our Zap package is an example program using VC and VTK,including the whole project and 3D data of a nerve cell for experiment. 本压缩包是在VC下编写的一个使用vtk的例程,包含完整的工程,并含有一个神经元细胞的三维数据供实验用。
- Then the software of 3D data processing (includes reference framing, to protract the grey-level histogram) has been realized. 在对采集得到的数据进行处理阶段,完成了包括坐标变换,绘制灰度图等程序的设计与实现;
- In this paper,we mainly use solid features such as Revolve,Blend,Pattern,Cut,Round and surface feature such as Merge to draw the 3D data model of the bucket bottom. 本文主要使用了Pro E零件模块中的旋转、混成、阵列、切割、倒圆等实体特征和merge等曲面特征 ,构造出桶底的三维数据模型。
- The realization of our 3D engine is mainly consisted of three contents: reading 3D data file, rebuilding 3D scenes and eyes moving in the virtual scenes. 我们实现的3D引擎主要包括三方面的内容:3D数据文件的读取,三维场景的重建,视点在场景中的运动。
- The framework generalizes the necessary steps of common radar processing, and solves the key problems of data registration, double-buffer storage, besides the data competition arbitration, and provides the ability of built-in parallel computation. 该程序框架概括了一般雷达处理流程的必要步骤,解决了数据注册技术、双缓存区存储技术和数据竞争仲裁等关键技术问题,提供了内建的雷达并行处理能力。
- In the end, OpenGL function interface would combine the 3D data acquired of the model with their correspondent texture image data, producing the VR(Virtual Reality) model. 最后利用OpenGL图形函数接口,将获取的模型三维空间数据与其相应的纹理影像数据结合起来,生成计算机仿真模型。
- The experiments for registering overlapping point cloud data sets collected by a ground-based LiDAR system demonstrates the satisfactory data registration result based on the proposed scheme. 本研究以地面光达多测站之点云资料以前述方法进行套合试验,证实以三维直线特徵进行光达点云资料套合之可行性。
- The designing and utilizing of old 3D data failed to consider the special requirements of AVO technique, which caused some degrees of distortion in AVO attribute. 老资料在设计施工时并没有兼顾AVO技术的特殊需要,造成AVO属性在一定程度上失真。
- Mine 3D GIS adopts 3D data structures to describe the mine 3D entity, and it realizes the 3D displaying by the methods of visualization and VR technology. 摘要矿山三维GIS利用3D数据结构来描述矿山三维实体,利用可视化、虚拟现实等技术实现矿山数据的三维显示。
- METHODS: By ATOS three-dimensional opticalmetry, which used in industry, 3D data on facial profile of a patient with mandibular hyperplasia was achieved quickly. 方法:采用工应用ATOS快速三维光学测量仪,对1例下颌骨发育过度患者的面部轮郭模型进行三维重建。
- Due to the difficulty of Geometric invariants in 3D mesh watermarking, tile method to convert 3D data into 2D data by directly applying the 2D watermarking method was put forward. 鉴于寻找三维模型几何与拓扑不变量的难度,提出了将三维数据转换到二维空间,直接运用二维水印算法。
- Volume visualization is a joint between VISC and 3D GIS, the prospect of which is summarized in this thesis. And two basic algorithm on visualization of 3D data are expounded: Surface-fitting method and Direct Volume Rendering(DVR). 三维可视化是科学计算可视化和三维GIS密切联系的纽带,本文综述该方面的发展趋势,研究了两大类三维数据场可视化算法:表面拟合方法(Surface-fitting method)和直接体绘制(Direct Volume Rendering,DVR)。
- In order to efficiently express 3D objects in the actual world, especially, coal beds, a new method of 3D based on set theory was proposed after analyzing complicated 3D data of coal beds. 摘要为了有效地表达现实世界特别是煤矿床的三维空间实体,在分析了复杂煤层三维数据的基础上,基于集合论的数学思想,提出了一种新的抽象的煤矿床空间数据模型。
- On the basis of investigation of present development of 3D GIS, we analyse the cause of difficulties in applying 3D GIS to geology, and discuss the solution and development trend from the point of view 3D data structure, GIS data and DBMS. 在三维地理信息系统(3D-GIS)的发展现状分析的基础上,指出了3D-GIS在地学应用中所遇到的困难和原因,并且从3D数据结构和GIS数据及数据库管理系统方面入手,对解决办法及发展趋势进行了探讨
- According to spatial distribution feature of ore body,the special 3D data model and data structure have been designed. The method of establishing spatial 3D data structure by means of 2D contour lines forming 3D shape and using Morton codes is introduced. 本文根据地矿的空间分布特征 ,设计出专用的三维空间数据模型及数据结构 ,介绍了由二维轮廓线构造三维形体 ,Morton码建立空间三维数据结构的方法。
- This 3D data visualization model is based on the research of computer graphics, psychology and cognition; makes use of "fisheye view" and human capacity of spatial cognition in a creative way. 该3D数据可视化模型基于对计算机图形图像学、心理学和认知学理论的研究,创造性地利用了“鱼眼视图”的优势和人们的空间认知特点,具有很强的交互性和易用性,使得用户能在“小屏幕”上方便地进行“大信息”的浏览和检索。