- Air Force Air Adjutant General 空军副官长
- In World War II, General Lee was in command of the air force. 二战期间,李将军统率空军部队。
- Now, men are enlisting for the air force. 现正在招募空军。
- An old Air Force war horse is getting a new assignment. 一架空军旧式飞机奉命执行一项新的任务。
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- General Li is going to address the air force tomorrow. 李将军明天将对空军讲话。
- He services in a squadron of US Air Force. 他在一支美国空军部队里服役。
- He was made adjutant general of the Continental Army (1775) and succeeded Gen.Philip Schuyler in New York (1777). 1775年任大陆军副官长,1777年继斯凯勒将军之后任纽约州北部军司令。
- This plane is configured for our air force. 这架飞机是按我们空军作战要求装配的。
- A young Air Force officer served as lunar module pilot for Apollo 16. 一位年轻的空军军官担任了阿波罗16号登月舱的驾驶员。
- Their bodies were found in a car in the town of Pratt in south central Kansas, said Sharon Watson, a spokeswoman for the Kansas Adjutant General's Department. 尸体在堪萨斯州中部偏南部的一个叫普拉特的小镇上的一辆汽车内被发现。
- He is a Major in the US Air Force. 他是美国空军的少校。
- Hot clear air force one and air jordan series! 炎热和空气明确约旦空军一号系列!
- When did you sign on in the air force? 你是什么时候参加空军的?
- John's brother signed up with the Air Force, something he always wanted to do. 约翰的哥哥已报名参加了空军,这是他渴望已久的。
- I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. 在送我批阅的陆军部档案中,我看到一份马萨诸塞州陆军副官长写的报告,说您便是有五个儿子光荣牺牲在战场上的那位母亲。
- The air force rendezvoused over southern England. 机群在英国南部上空集合。
- The army, navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed services. 陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种。
- Royal Air Force Officers and Other Ranks. 皇家空军官员及其他军阶。
- Our Air Force has many aircraft. 我们的空军有很多飞机。