
[eə(r)]     [er]    
  • n. 空气;天空;空中;感觉;神态;曲调;装腔作势
  • v. 晾干;使通风;广播
aired aired airing airs



n. (名词)
  1. 空中,天空
  2. 空气
  3. 大气
  4. 神态
  5. 样子
  6. 曲调
  7. 摆架子,装腔作势,做作的样子
  8. 气氛,气派
  9. 【音】主调
  10. <罕>微风
  11. 感觉,印象
  12. 欢天喜地,得意洋洋
  13. 航空;飞机,空军(指人员和装备),航空兵
  14. 媒介,广播
  15. <美口>空调设备,空调系统
v. (动词)
  1. 晾,晾干,烘干,烤干,风干
  2. 播送
  3. 发表,公开发表,宣扬,表达
  4. 炫耀,显示,夸示
  5. <美>广播,播出
  6. 透风,通风,通气;使通风
  7. 散步,兜风
  8. 吹风
  9. 使换气,透气
  10. 给…装置通风设备
adv. (副词)
  1. 早,不久


n. (名词)
  1. [U]天空,大气,空气 the sky or space above the ground; atmosphere
  2. [U]空中 the earth's atmosphere as the place where aircraft fly
  3. [C]曲调,歌曲,旋律 music; tune; melody
  4. [C]样子,神态,姿态 appearance; manner
  5. [C]微风 light wind
v. (动词)
  1. vt. & vi. 晾晒,烘干 dry (clothing, bedding, etc.) in the open air or in a warm place
  2. vt. (使)房间通风,换空气 (cause to) become fresh by letting in air
  3. vt. 发表,倾诉,炫耀 make public (opinions, complains, etc.), especially in a noisy manner
  4. vt. & vi. 播送,广播 broadcast


  1. a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of;

    "air pollution"
    "a smell of chemicals in the air"
    "open a window and let in some air"
    "I need some fresh air"

  2. the region above the ground;

    "her hand stopped in mid air"
    "he threw the ball into the air"

  3. a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing;

    "an air of mystery"
    "the house had a neglected air"
    "an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters"
    "the place had an aura of romance"

  4. a slight wind (usually refreshing);

    "the breeze was cooled by the lake"
    "as he waited he could feel the air on his neck"

  5. the mass of air surrounding the Earth;

    "there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere"
    "it was exposed to the air"

  6. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)

  7. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence;

    "she was humming an air from Beethoven"

  8. medium for radio and television broadcasting;

    "the program was on the air from 9 til midnight"
    "the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people"

  9. travel via aircraft;

    "air travel involves too much waiting in airports"
    "if you've time to spare go by air"

  1. expose to fresh air;

    "aerate your old sneakers"

  2. be broadcast;

    "This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M."

  3. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television;

    "We cannot air this X-rated song"

  4. make public;

    "She aired her opinions on welfare"

  5. expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry;

    "Air linen"

  6. expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen;

    "air the old winter clothes"
    "air out the smoke-filled rooms"



用作名词 (n.)
  1. The fresh air in the morning made him feel glad.
  2. There is a bird flying through the air.
  3. The archers sent their shafts through the air.
  4. There was an air of excitement at the meeting.
  5. There is an air of abstraction in her face.
  6. He played a delightful air on his flute.
  7. You will lose friends if you put on airs.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. You should air the clothes to get the damp out.
  2. The doctor recommended him to air the room.
  3. We need to air out the smoke-filled rooms.


用作名词 (n.)
airs and graces
    做作的姿态,装腔作势 affectation
as free as the air
    自由自在 happy-go-luck
beat the air
    徒劳,白费气力 waste
build castles in the air
    做白日梦,不能实现的希望,计划等 day-dream hopes, plans that are unlikely to be realized
by air
    乘飞机; 航空邮寄(信件) in an aircraft
clear the air
    换气 make the air in a place fresh by opening a window
give air to
    阐明,详细解释 state or explain in detail
give oneself airs
    盛气凌人,神气活现 act proud; act vain
go up in the air
    十分恼火 become very angry
hang in the air
    悬而未决 leave undecided or unsettled
hot air
    夸夸其谈 bluster
in the air
    悬而未决,没充分计划好; (谣言等)传开,散布开; 流行开 (of stories, rumours etc.) spreading not fully planned, uncertain
in the open air
    在户外 outside
off the air
    停止广播 not engaged in broadcasting
on the air
    广播 broadcasting
out of thin air
    无中生有,突然出现 out of nowhere; out of nothing visible
put on airs
    装腔作势,摆架子 behave in an unnatural way in the hope of impressing people
take air
    为众人所知,被传扬 spread about among people; become known
take in the air
    到户外散步,户外透透气 go outdoors; take a walk or ride
vanish into thin air
    无影无踪,化为乌有 disappear
walk〔tread〕 on air
    喜气洋洋,兴高采烈 be very gay or pleased
用作动词 (v.)
air out (v.+adv.)
    通通风,透透空气 freshen (a room) by letting air move through it
    air sb/sth ⇔ out

    It's so stale in here, Mary, please open the window and air this place out.



用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+名词 ~+后置定语 介词+~ ~+介词
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词


  • Content to breathe his native air In his own ground.

    出自: Pope
  • His goods are spoiled by foul air and gas fumes.

    出自: F. Nightingale
  • All I want is a room somewhere, Far away from the cold night air.

    出自: A. J. Lerner
  • To keep the room aired and swept.

    出自: M. Edgeworth
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