- The ship was lost off the coast with all souls. 这条船在沿海失事,船上的人全部遇难。
- All souls cry out for salvation. 生灵渴求救赎。
- The ship was lost off the coast of Africa with all souls. 那条船在非洲海岸外连船带人一起失踪了。
- All Soul's Day is a Roman Catholic day of remembrance for friends and loved ones who have passed away. 所有灵魂的那天是天主教纪念日为朋友和亲人已经过世。
- All souls as they were cast from the Tao had an endowment. 所有的灵魂在道中被铸时,都有一个禀赋。
- Business rivals wanted to be the first to reach potential customers, so finally decorations were already appearing on All Souls' Day, November 2! 商业上的竞争对手都想第一个迎来潜在的消费者,到头来在11月2日万灵节的时候圣诞布置就开始出现了。
- The divine foreordains all souls to either salvation or damnation. 宿命预先注定所有灵魂或得到拯救或得到永久的惩罚。
- It is through the process of recasting that all souls evolve. 就是通过重铸的过程,所有的灵魂演化。
- The divine decree foreordaining all souls to either salvation or damnation. 宿命预先注定所有灵魂或得到拯救或得到永久的惩罚
- Each drop caused a portion of all souls incarnate in human form to fracture. 每一个下降导致人类形态中所有灵魂的化身碎裂。
- All souls contain a side that is in the light and that which is dark. 所有灵魂都包含站在光明的一面和站在黑暗的一面。
- In failing health, van Loon did not attend All Souls after he appeared in the pulpit the Sunday he joined. 因为健康状况变得糟糕,房龙没有参加万灵教会的活动,只在加入教会的那个礼拜天出现在讲道坛上。
- He presented a lecture on "Tolerance" at All Souls Unitarian Church, New York in 1925. 1925年,他在纽约万灵教会作了一次关于“宽容”的演讲。
- The peculiarity of sublime spectacles is, that they capture all souls and turn witnesses into spectators. 最卓绝的景象能摄取所有的人的心灵,使全体证人变为观众。
- All souls go to Hades after dying, righteous and unrighteous people are gathered there to await God's judgment. 善人恶人都在那里云集,等候上帝的最后审判。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- From their common Zoroastrian sources, Mithraism first held that all souls pre-existed in the ethereal regions, and inhabited a body upon birth. 从它们共同的琐罗亚斯德教来源,密特拉教首先持有所有灵魂最先存在于天上领域的观点,在人出生的时候居住在身体内。
- All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church of Sioux Falls - Service schedule, principles, member information. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came. 一开始,所有灵魂就被创造了,它们正在寻找自己的归途。
- We were all of a twitter on the wedding day. 举行婚礼的那一天,我们都兴奋极了。