- You can apply these steps to the IP Allow list. 可以将这些步骤应用于IP允许列表。
- The pop-up blocker includes an Allow list that can help in cases where automatic pop-ups are required. 对于需要自动弹出的情况,该弹出阻止程序包含了一个有帮助的“允许”列表。
- IP addresses on the IP Allow list are considered "safe" and are exempted from processing by other anti-spam agents. IP允许列表上的IP地址将被视为“安全的”并将免于由其他反垃圾邮件代理进行处理。
- The example shows a command that enables the IP Allow List providers on messages that come from internal domains. 该示例显示的命令为来自内部域的邮件启用IP允许列表提供程序。
- The second code example sets the same IP Allow list entry to expire at 11:59 P.M. On January 3, 2007. 第二个代码示例将这个IP允许列表条目设置为在2007年1月3日晚上11:59过期。
- However, the concepts for adding IP addresses to the IP Allow list are the same for the IP Block list. 但是,向IP允许列表添加IP地址的概念与IP阻止列表相同。
- You can specify a day and time when the IP Allow list entry that you are creating will expire. 可以指定所创建的IP允许列表条目过期的日期和时间。
- You can specify a single IP address to add to the IP Allow list as follow, for example: 可以指定要添加到以下IP允许列表中的单个IP地址;例如:192.;168
- You can't configure an expiration date and time for the IP Allow list in the Exchange Management Console. 不能在Exchange管理控制台中配置IP允许列表的过期日期和时间。
- IP Block List and IP Allow List provider services can help you reduce spam and enhance overall message processing on your Edge Transport server. IP阻止列表提供程序服务和IP允许列表提供程序服务有助于减少垃圾邮件,并提高边缘传输服务器上的总体邮件处理能力。
- IP Block list and IP Allow list provider services can help you reduce spam and increase overall message processing on your Edge Transport server. IP阻止列表和IP允许列表提供程序服务有助于减少垃圾邮件并提高边缘传输服务器上的总体邮件处理能力。
- However, the concepts for configuring IP Block List provider services are the same for configuring IP Allow List provider services. 但是,配置IP阻止列表提供程序服务的概念与配置IP允许列表提供程序服务的概念相同。
- The first code example shows a Set-IPAllowListProvider command that sets the Connection Filter to treat any match by the IP Allow List provider service as an actionable event. 第一个代码示例显示Set-IPAllowListProvider命令通过设置连接筛选器,将IP允许列表提供程序服务所引起的任何匹配视为可操作的事件。
- You have received an instant message from someone who is not on your contact list or your Allow list in your privacy options. Messages of this type might be a form of junk mail, also known as spam. 您收到了一条即时消息,该消息的发件人没有列在您的联系人名单或隐私选项中的“允许名单”上。此类消息可能是垃圾消息。
- IP Allow lists are sometimes referred to as IP safe lists or "white" lists elsewhere in the software industry. 在其他地方的软件行业中,有时将IP允许列表称为IP安全列表或“白”名单。
- When you add host names to the Block and Allow lists, you must enter a server name. 向阻止列表和允许列表中添加主机名时,必须输入服务器名称。
- Can you give me a price list with specification? 你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?
- It's time you jacked up my allowance. 您该给我增加点儿零用钱了。
- His men talk to him at no allowance. 他手下的人可随意同他说话。
- The teacher tick off a name on a list. 老师在名单上的一个名字旁打勾。