- The American forces suffered heavy casualties on this beachhead. 美军在奥马哈海滩伤亡惨重!
- As you have real, he commanded American forces at New Orleans. 因为你有真正,他命令了美国部队在新奥尔良。
- The British and American forces were just to carry out landings on Normandy. 英美军队准备实施诺曼底登陆。
- American forces won the Revolutionary War Battle of Bennington, Vermont. 年,美军在佛蒙特州本宁顿赢了美国革命之战!
- Why were American forces doing Boutros-Ghali’s and Admiral Howe's bidding? 为什么美国军队要听命于布特罗斯-加利和海军上将豪?
- American Red Cro almost became part of American forces in world War I . 美国红十字会在第一次世界大战中,几乎成为美国部队的一部分。
- That makes 2007 already the deadliest year of Iraq war for American forces. 这使2007年成为美国军队在伊拉克死伤最为严重的一年。
- World War II: American forces defeat the last Japanese troops on Guam. 1944年的今天,二次世界大战中,美国军队击溃了在关岛的最后的一批日本兵。
- Polish patriot and general who aided American forces in the Revolutionary War, commanding the defense of Charleston(1779) and leading a cavalry brigade in the siege of Savannah, during which he was mortally wounded. 普瓦斯基,卡齐米尔1747-1779波兰爱国主义者和将军,在美国独立战争中曾支持美军,指挥了查理斯顿防御战(1779年)并在萨瓦纳之围时率领一个骑兵旅,在这场战斗中受重伤而牺牲
- World War II (January 1944); American forces landed and captured a Japanese air base. 二战中(1944年1月)美国军队一次登陆,夺取一个日军空军基地。
- The island was occupied by the Japanese and later recaptured by American forces. 岛屿被日军占领后来被美军夺回。
- American Forces Network broadcasts throughout Europe on AM and FM radio stations and ships at sea. 美军网广播通过AM及FM电台和海上的船只遍及欧洲。
- People from the village requested medical help from a neighboring town that had radio contact with the American forces. 村里的人们请求附近一个小镇给予医疗救助,而该镇同美军部队之间有无线电联系。
- On the first day of the return program there was more fighting between American forces and rebels. 就在返程计划的第一天,美军与武装分子发生了更加激烈的交火。
- God must have wanted the Revolution to succeed, for he providently protected the American forces on many occasions. 神肯定想让美国独立革命成功,因为在许多场合都及时的保护美国的军队。
- Mr Ricks quotes one key commander as recounting how American forces would tell Iraqis: “Don't worry, we're leaving. 瑞克斯引述了一位重要指挥官的回忆,在那之前,美军会告诉伊拉克人:“不用担心,我们这就离开。”
- In 1777, American forces won the Revolutionary War Battle of Bennington, Vermont. 1777年,美军在佛蒙特州本宁顿赢了美国革命之战!
- The redeployed American forces might be too small to deal with terrorism or prevent a regional conflagration. 重新布署美军在应对恐怖主义或防止地区冲突方面不会发挥任何作用。
- On Omaha Beach, American forces fight through a withering crossfire as they leave their landing craft in rough seas. 在奥马哈海滩上,当美军在汹涌的大海中离开登陆艇的时候,他们得冲过交叉火力点。
- Announcer: From the D.M.Z. to the Delta, you are tuned to the American Forces Vietnam Network. 播音员:从三八线到红河三角洲,你调到了美军越南电视网。