- And death was in him welling, 死之将至
- He has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 完成了他份内要做的所有工作,怕死就有点儿卑鄙和不光彩了。
- Grandmother became very sick and death was staring her in the face. 祖母病重,危在旦夕。
- The freshness of spring evenings was in him, and he did not care. 他心里含蓄着春宵的情味,而什么都不管。
- She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous. 她无意中吞下毒药,猝然死去。
- Disease, famine and death are dogs of war. 病疾、饥荒和死亡是战争造成的祸害。
- Disease,famine and death are the dogs of war. 疾病、饥荒和死亡是战争祸害。
- As darkness and death are now near by our side. 黑暗与死亡缠绕着我们。
- There was in him a headstrong little man who hated Napoleon. 在他心里早就有个憎恨拿破仑的顽固小人儿了。
- Disease, famine and death are the dogs of war. 疾
- The dates of Arda's birth and death are unknown. 阿尔达的出生与死亡日期则不明。
- His crucifixion and death were violent. 祂的被钉和死亡尤其残暴。
- Old age and death are inevitable. 人的衰老死亡是不可抗拒的。
- Life and death was one thing.But at that moment his feelings entwined him in the boundless suffering of love. 生死是一回事,不过一刹那,但是那绵绵的情丝,却是无边无尽的折磨。
- All the death were in Louisiana. 所有死亡病人均在路易斯安那州。
- All the devil that was in him challenged the devil in Wolf Larsen. 他的浑身魔性在向海狼赖生的魔性寻衅。
- For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. 因为生与死是一体,有如江和海是一样。
- He has achieved whatever work it was in him to do,the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 完成了他份内要做的所有工作,怕死就有点儿卑鄙和不光彩了。
- Whatever work it was in him to do,the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 而且完成了他份内要做的所有工作,怕死就有点儿卑鄙和不光彩了。
- Let life be beautiful like summer flower and death be quiet like autumn leaves! 生当如夏花之绚烂,死亦如秋叶之宁静!