- United States Army Research Office 美国陆军研究处
- Army Research Office 陆军研究处
- United States Army Personnel Research Office 美国陆军人事研究处
- Genetic maximums can change, but don't expect this to happen soon.Claire C.Gordon, senior anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass. 身高的增长一般在20岁以后就停止了,长高需要热量和营养物质--主要是蛋白质--以供应身体组织的扩展。
- March 26th Mr. Han Changfu, Dean of Research Office of the State Council, PRC, visited ZCE. 月26日,国务院研究室主任韩长赋视察郑商所。
- Teachers at the Physics Teaching Research Office are discussing how to teach with the new textbook. 物理教研室的老师正在探讨新教材的教法。
- Mr. Zhang is director of the Literature Research Office, and is in charge of administration. 张老师是文学教研室的主任,专管行政工作。
- Both the Army Research Laboratory at Adelphi, Md., and the Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC) at Fort Monmouth, N.J. 陆军研究实验室以及通信-电子研究、发展与工程中心与其他与网络科学、技术与实验相关的机构都将迁移在阿伯丁试验场。
- Army Electronics Logistics Research Office 陆军电子后勤研究办公室
- Looking at those questions, the Delegation could support the idea of having an independent WIPO evaluation and research office. 考虑到这些问题,该代表团可以支持建立一个独立的WIPO评估和研究办公室。
- Therefore, it did not think it was necessary to have a WIPO Evaluation and Research Office, in order to evaluate each program. 所以日本代表团认为,没有必要为了评估每个项目而建立WIPO评估和研究办公室。
- However, it also said it had a number of concerns regarding the establishment of an evaluation and research office as proposed. 但该代表团也说,对拟议建立的WIPO评估和研究办公室还有些疑虑。
- As for proposal number 5, the Delegation did not think that it would be appropriate to set up an independent evaluation and research office. 关于第5项提案,该代表团认为,设立独立的评估和研究办公室并不合适。
- Army Procurement Research Office 陆军采购研究处
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- Army Engineer Explosive Excavation Research Office 陆军工兵(局)爆炸挖掘研究所
- It stated that the proposal to establish an independent evaluation and research office was a very good idea and called for the adoption of that proposal. 认为建立独立的评估和研究办公室是很好的想法,并呼吁通过这项提案。
- The gum, developed by US Army researchers, contains a protein that attacks the bugs that cause plaque, which in turn can lead to gum infections and tooth decay. 这种口香糖,由美国军队研究人员研制而成,含有一种能杀灭病菌的蛋白质,这种病菌可能导致牙龈感染及牙齿腐蚀。
- On the question of the WIPO Evaluation and Research Office, the Delegation was dismayed to hear some delegations speaking in negative terms about such an office. 关于建立WIPO评估和研究办公室的问题,有些代表团没有给予积极平价,该代表团对此感到失望。