- Buyer state cargo unsound condition and prepare claim is await result of our counter survey. 买方说货物质量不高,准备提出索赔,并在等待我们提邮的相对检验结果。
- Initial reports from the center claimed the cause of the alien face was never determined, but Benzel said she was still awaiting results of a necropsy. 来自中心的最初报道声称:外星人脸的成因还未断定,Benzel说她仍在等待鸭子尸体检验结果。
- Buyer state cargo unsoundcondition and prepare claim is await result of our counter survey. 买方说货物质量不高,准备提出索赔,并在等待我们提邮的相对检验结果。
- Researchers are eagerly awaiting results of clinical trials of antiangiogenic factors, which might be used in combination with chemotherapy to knock down big tumors and then prevent any surviving tumors from growing enough to do further damage. 研究人员期待抗淋巴因子的临床实验结果,这种药可能会与化疗结合使用,用于治疗大肿瘤并随后防止任何存活的肿瘤进一步生长而导致伤害。
- The result of trial test demonstrates that the quality of yarns forming used by needling fixed flat better than by that of serrated. 生产对比试验表明,针刺型固定盖板的成纱质量优于锯齿型固定盖板。
- Roy, last season's Rookie of the Year and an All-Star this season, is awaiting results of an MRI, but didn't sound optimistic Sunday, speculating that he could need up to two weeks to recover. 罗伊是上赛季的最佳新秀,并在本赛季入选全明星赛。他正在等着核磁共振的结果,不过周日情况看起来并不乐观,估计他有可能需要两周时间来恢复。
- The key technology of POWDEX system was how to adjust the vessel pressure, flow, the period and level etc.And how to adjust the PLC steps by the result of trial operation. 该系统的调试关键在系统压力、流量、时间、液位等参数的合理整定,以及根据工艺调试结果和现场实际情况对PLC步序进行合理调整。
- I finally found the right key after lots of trial and error. 经过反复试验,我终于找到了正确的方法。
- WAMS has been put into operation in North America for more than five years, some results of trial operation are gradually gained from the stability control and other application based on WAMS. 广域测量系统已经在北美运行5年以上,而基于广域测量系统的稳定控制及其它应用也逐渐在实际电网中有一些试运行的成果。
- We were awaiting the results of the campaign. 我们在等待大选的结果。
- "It was a lot of trial and error," says Barnes. 巴尼斯说:“我们经历了多次尝试和错误。
- The results of the two experiments were conflated. 这两项实验的结果合并在一起了。
- The only way Jim could solve the algebra problem was by the method of trial and error. 要解决这道代数题,吉姆唯一能做的就是不怕失败,反复尝试。
- The results of the experiment varied wildly. 实验结果差异很大。
- It was largely a matter of trial and error. 这主要是个反复实验的问题。
- BLANCH : What type of trial was conducted? 伯朗什:是怎么一个试验过程?
- I am apprehensive about the results of the exams. 我为考试成绩担忧。
- He is indifferent to the result of the exam. 他对考试结果漠不关心。
- What was the result of your deliberation? 你仔细考虑后结果如何?
- The result of the trial run can't be worse. 试车的结果糟糕极了。