- Basic combat pattern analysis is completed. 基础攻击模式分析完毕。
- A tactical unit of ground combat forces between a division and an army commanded by a lieutenant general and composed of two or more divisions and auxiliary service troops. 军团介于师和上尉军之间的陆战队技术单位,通常包含两个或两个以上的师及辅助军种
- Within either type of division, the battalion was the IJA's smallest single tactical unit capable of conducting independent combat operations. 在两种师团中,大队是日本帝国军中能够独立执行作战任务的最小独立战术单位。
- An aviation division generally has under its command two to three aviation regiments and related stations. The aviation regiment is the basic tactical unit. 航空兵师一般下辖2个至3个航空兵团和驻地场站,航空兵团是基本战术单位。
- Normally under a division, a regiment consists of battalions, and acts as a basic tactical unit. 团由营编成,通常隶属于师,为基本战术部队。
- The police tactical unit must follow other forces quickly. 警察当局的战术小组必须迅速赶上其他队伍。
- The model of task description for media-echelon combat unit contains subdividing task, analyzing logical relation between subtasks of basic combat unit, and defining task attribute. 作战单元任务描述模型的中间层任务描述步骤含分解任务、分析基本作战单元子任务间的时序和逻辑关系、定义任务属性。
- To learn more about basic combat training, you should talk with someone who's been through it himself. 为了了解战斗基本训练的基本知识,你应该多向经历过训练的人讨教。
- The smallest tactical unit in the Roman army trusted with independent maneuver was the 120-man maniple. 在罗马军队中,最小的战术编队是由120人组成的独立战团。
- A group of several ships of similar type forming a tactical unit under a single command in the U.S. Navy. 舰艇分队:直属于美国海军部的作战单位,由数艘舰船组成。
- Hong Kong's Police Tactical Unit (PTU) are specially trained anti-riot troops, drawn in rotation by the district constables. 香港警察机动部队(PTU)是经过特殊训练的防暴部队,由各区轮流抽调的警员组成。
- Recent instructions direct that the equipment of a paratroop tactical unit be carried in the same formation as the personnel and dropped in the same area. 但在后来装备和人员改为乘坐同一编队,在同一空降场进行空降。
- Note the division is still the smallest tactical unit and the land unit and its brigades are indivisible, but for technology purposes the brigades are distinct. 但是注意师仍然是最小的战术单位,同时一个师和他的旅之间也是不可分割的整体,不过从科技的角度来说旅是独立的。
- The boost-kick -- The heat stored in the Cryo Legionnaire's back-mounted airbooster may be expelled for use with short-distance flight and other combat tactics. 喷射重踢--储存在冷冻兵背部的气压助推器里的热量可以被用来做短距离的飞行和其他的战斗手段。
- Basic Combat Effectiveness Index Analysis of MBT 主战坦克的基本战斗力指数分析
- The Bad: Basic combat is dreadfully boring; 缺点:基本战斗极其乏味;
- A U.S. Army administrative and tactical unit composed of a headquarters unit, at least one unit of infantry or armor or both, and designated support units. A brigade can be commanded by a brigadier general or by a colonel. 旅美军的行政和战略单位,包括一个指挥部,至少一个单位的步兵或装甲兵或二者兼有,以及指派的支援部队。可由陆军准将或由上校统领的一个旅
- During the year,the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) played a major role in crowd management during large-scale public events such as the opening of the Tsing Ma Bridge,the Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 年内,警察机动部队曾为多项大型公众活动,例如青屿干线开幕、交接仪式和世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,执行人群管理工作。
- Most officers are sent to the Police Tactical Unit in their second or third year of service where they are taught internal security roles and where inspectors'leadership and management skills are further developed. 大部分警务人员在服务的第二或第三年,会派往警察机动部队,学习执行内部保安的各种任务,而督察级人员的领导及管理技巧也会进一步得到发展。
- During the year, the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) played a major role in crowd management during large-scale public events such as the opening of the Tsing Ma Bridge, the Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 年内,警察机动部队曾为多项大型公众活动,例如青屿干线开幕、交接仪式和世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,执行人群管理工作。