- 双原子分子振转能级和F-C因子的理论计算Calculating the levels and Franck-Condon factors of the rovibrational transitions for diatomic molecules
- 因子factor
- c语言
- 维生素Cvitamin(e) C
- 细胞因子cell factor
- C语言程序设计Programming in C
- 转录因子transcription factor
- 因子分析factorial analysis
- C程序设计Program Design in C
- 生长因子nutrilit
- c 语言C language
- 肿瘤坏死因子tumor necrosis factor
- 浆果中含有维生素C。Berries contain vitamin C.
- 趋化因子chemotactic factor (CF)
- 凝血因子plasma thromboplastin component (PTC)
- 比例因子proportional divisor
- 表皮生长因子EGF
- 剩余公因子方差residual communality
- 索因子cord factor
- 校正因子correction factor