- 用CSS样式动态整形地震目录查询结果Dynamic forming query result of earthquake catalogue with the CSS style sheets
- 请使用CSS样式来居中文字!Tip: Use CSS styles to center text!
- 样式style
- CSS样式表与不同的浏览器CSS and Different Browsers
- 当创建CSS样式时使用简短速记When Creating CSS Styles Use Shorthand For
- 基于CSS样式的网页表格的美化Making table of webpage beautificatization based on CSS
- 样式的modal
- 并不是所有浏览器都支持CSS样式。CSS styles are not supported in all browsers.
- 标记中的所有元素插入以下空白CSS样式In the text box, the following blank CSS style is inserted for all elements within
- CSSCSS (cast stainless steel)
- 这一塑像有两种样式。There are two versions of this statue.
- CSS树CSS-Tree
- 基于网页的CSS滤镜The CSS Filter Lens Based On Web
- 大衣的样式the drape of an overcoat
- MβCSsMβCSs
- 她的头发样式很新。She has a new hairdo.
- 新近的汽车样式保持了许多从前产品的特征Later models of the car retained many features of the original.
- 最佳干扰样式optimal jamming type
- 服装有某一国家、时期或民众的特点的衣着样式,通常在戏剧或化妆舞会上穿A style of dress characteristic of a particular country, period, or people, often worn in a play or at a masquerade.
- 爆炸样式type of burst