- Horse administration was the basis of cavalry troop. 清代马政则为马队营制之基础。
- This is the last time that the cavalry troop of the PLA was reviewed on the parading ceremony. 中国人民解放军骑兵部队则是最后一次接受检阅。
- Basic Seljuk missile cavalry troops armed bows and little armour, belonging to Amirs who have aligned themselves with Crusaders. 塞尔柱弓骑兵装备战弓和简陋盔甲,效力于依附十字军国家的本地埃米尔。
- This article started with a textual research of the amount of war horse in Qing dynasty, and main discussed the historical changes from three angles, just as establishment for cavalry troop, livestock farm management, and the horse administration. 本文从清代战马数量考释入手,探讨了清朝经制军队的马队建制、牧场建设及清代马政在嘉道以降的废弛情况。
- They were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry. 他们的侧翼受到一队骑兵袭击。
- The cavalry coursed the fleeing troops. 骑兵追赶逃跑的败兵。
- We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry. 我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。
- He ordered the troops to limber up and move out. 他命令部队把炮装上前车开出去。
- His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment. 他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。
- I am a soldier of the fourth cavalry. 我是第四骑兵部队的一员。
- There is a troop of monkeys in the woods. 林子中有一群猴子。
- The drilling troops mustered on the hill. 演习部队在小山上集合起来了。
- The cavalry is extremely majestic-looking. 这支骑兵部队非常威风凛凛。
- The troops were entrenched near the mountains. 部队在群山边筑起壕沟以防卫自己。
- He came out with a troop of followers. 他带着一大群随从走出来。
- The audience began to troop away. 听众开始成群结队地离去。
- He was an officer in the cavalry. 他曾是骑兵军官。
- He harangued the troops before a battle. 他在战前向士兵作了慷慨激昂的讲话。
- The troops were embattled last night. 部队昨晚严阵以待。
- The troops were arrayed for the battle. 军队已按战斗队形部署好。