- He subsequently developed ACS and was successfully treated with angioembolization and needle paracentesis. 经血管栓塞止血后,病患随后生成腹部腔室症候群,我们以腔液穿放术减压,成功地改善病患的临床症状。
- Objective:To investigate themethod and results of paracentesis in repairing surgery of corneal laceration. 目的:探讨前房穿刺术在角膜全层裂伤修补术中应用的方法及结果。
- Abdominal paracentesis yielded uncoagulated blood and hemoperitoneum was suspected. 腹部穿刺放液时发现没有凝固的血液,故考虑腹腔内积血。
- Conclusion:Paracentesis is safe and effective in repairing thecorneal laceration. 结论:角膜全层裂伤修复术中应用前房穿刺术安全有效。
- As I said before these patients need to be treated with repeated paracentesis with albumin infusion. 就像我以前说的那些患者需要大量穿刺放液加白蛋白输注治疗。
- Methods: Posterior branch of spinal nerve was refrigerated by transcutaneous paracentesis. 方法:经皮穿刺到脊神经后支,对神经分支施行深部冷冻。
- Methods:Translumbar(transsacral) centesis and continuous epidural block with 1%lidocaine were performed. 方法:经腰(骶)部穿刺,1%25利多卡因连续硬膜外腔阻滞法。
- Methods The stomachache, peritonitis and centesis are the main dianostic foundation. 方法腹痛、腹膜炎体征、腹部穿刺是诊断的主要依据。
- Objective:To assess the usage of color doppler monitoring method in the centesis of kidney cysts. 目的:探讨和分析彩色多普勒监测在肾囊肿穿刺治疗的应用。
- Results During 743 centesis of 601 cysts,735 were successful made with one time and it s sueecssful rate was 98.9%. 结果601个囊肿共穿刺743次;其中735个为一次穿刺成功;成功率98.;9%25;8个二次穿刺成功。
- Results:The color Doppler is much better than the dimensional ultrasound B in the centesis of kidney cysts. 结果:彩色多普勒在肾囊肿穿刺治疗抽液或注液时,观察穿刺针情况明显优于二维B超。
- Methods:Posterior branch of spinal nerve was refrigerated by transcutaneous paracentesis. 方法:经皮穿刺到脊神经后支,对神经分支施行深部冷冻。
- Purpose:To discuss the clinical application and maneuver of CT-guided percutaneous centesis. 目的:探讨CT引导穿刺活检技术在临床的应用价值和操作方法。
- Abstract: Objective:To investigate themethod and results of paracentesis in repairing surgery of corneal laceration. 文摘:目的:探讨前房穿刺术在角膜全层裂伤修补术中应用的方法及结果。
- A paracentesis yielded fluid with the properties of an exudate: high protein content with many cells (mostly PMN's). 用器械穿刺可抽出高蛋白,细胞数目多(主要为中性粒细胞)的渗出液。
- Conclusions:The color doppler should be the first choice in the centesis of kidney cysts. 结论:彩色超声多普勒在肾囊肿穿刺治疗监测时为首选。
- The outcome of IVF is not influenced by the ovarian cyst paracentesis in the late luteal phase after administration of GnRH-a. 黄体晚期穿刺治疗GnRH-a引发的卵巢囊肿,不影响体外受精的结局。
- With the development of microsurgery in ophthalmology,paracentesis is increasingly applied to the clinical manipulation. 随着眼科显微手术的开展,前房穿刺术越来越多地应用于眼科临床工作中。
- With the development of abdominal paracentesis, the diagnosis rate of chylous ascites has increased in China in recent years. 近几年,随着国内腹腔穿刺的广泛开展,乳糜性腹水的发生率不断提高。
- Objective:To discuss the status ,indication and operation methods through skin-lungs centesis in the treatment of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis . 目的:探讨经皮肺穿介入术在空洞性肺结核治疗中的地位、适应证及手术方法。