- West African Clearing House 西非票据交换所
- Central African Republic (ICSID Case No. 下一篇文章: Shareholders of SESAM v.
- Central African Republic becomes independent from France. 1958年,中非共和国脱离法兰西独立。
- CISNet Kaneohe Bay - Serves as a central clearing house for environmental data related to Kaneohe Bay. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Foreign exchange is an over the counter market, that means that there is no central exchange and clearing house where orders are matched. 外汇交易市场是个场外交易市场,这意味着交易没有通常指定的中心交易点和清盘地点。
- Helsinki Securities and Derivatives Exchange, Clearing House Ltd. 赫尔辛基证券及衍生商品交易所及结算所有限公司。
- We balance these interbank obligations through the clearing house . 我们通过票据交换所来平衡这些银行之间的债务。
- A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checksdrafts. 票据交换所是银行交换支票、汇票的地方。
- Hobson:What is meant by the term Clearing House Association ? 霍布森:票据交换是什么意思?
- China appreciates the adherence to the one-China policy by the government of the Central African Republic. 我们赞赏中非政府坚持奉行一个中国的政策
- Such netting is conducted through a central counterparty (such as a clearing house) that is legally substituted as the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer. 这种轧差通过一个中央订约方(如清算所)在法律上作为每一个卖方的买方,以及每一个买方的卖方而实现。
- But the trouble has instead spread into neighbouring Chad and the Central African Republic, to the west and south-west. 而战乱却波及到了邻国乍得与中非共和国,并向西与西南面蔓延过去。
- There is broad agreement that “standardised” CDSs should go through a central clearing house, in order to reduce systemic risk when counterparties fail. 一个被广泛接受的共识是,“规范化”的信贷违约掉期应当通过中央结算系统降低风险转移失败所可能带来的系统风险。
- The Central African Republic political, economic, social and health crises feed into and aggravate one another. 中非共和国的政治、经济、社会和卫生危机互相推动和加剧。
- Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam B.V. 阿姆斯特丹联合结算所有限公司 ...
- The 2001 - 2003 conflicts have left deep physical and mental scars on the people of the Central African Republic. 2001-2003年的冲突为中非共和国的人民留下了深深的身心创伤。
- A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts. 票据交换所是银行交换支票、汇票的地方。
- Wen Jiabao noted that there are still potentials to be taped for the economic and trade cooperation between China and the Central African Republic. 温家宝指出,中国与中非的经贸合作仍有潜力
- But the trouble has instead spread into neighbouring Chad and the Central African Republic,to the west and south-west. 而战乱却波及到了邻国乍得与中非共和国,并向西与西南面蔓延过去。
- Nigeria, the Central African Republic, Gabon, Ethiopia and Ivory Coast have already received supplies. 尼日利亚中非共和国,加蓬,埃塞俄比亚和象牙海岸已经收到了援助。