- Emperor Chao Huan [Northern Sung] 钦宗赵桓
- Everyth i ng's new a nd exc i t ing. 什么事儿都很新奇,也很让人兴奋。
- Chao Tso, whose style name was Wen-tu, was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu. 赵左(活动于西元十七世纪前期),作品见于万历癸卯(一六0三年)至崇祯己巳(一六二九年)间。
- A n elegan t handw rit ing, like the elegan thand that w ro te it. 优美的字迹,就像写字的那只优美的手。
- The docto r did everyth ing necessary to save thepat ien t. 医生尽了一切必要的努力来抢救这个病人。
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黄巢的带领下他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。
- Shen Zhen Chif Huan Plastic Products Co., Ltd. 深圳千环塑料制品有限公司。
- Huan Yu Tian Ma Sci-tech Development Co., Ltd. 环宇天马科技发展有限公司。
- Who's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
- Yi qian han yuan dui huan ba yuan. 一千韩元兑换八元。
- Liu Chao of Ninghsiang was killed by the peasants. 宁乡的刘昭,是农民直接打死的。
- Yi qian han yuan dui huan duo shao ren min bi? 一千韩元兑换多少人民币?
- I'm totally agai t your proposal of shi ing the goods one month later. 我完全反对一个月后运货的建议。
- What do we do with this leftover chao mian? 剩下的炒面怎么办?
- Hokkien lang gio “lao huan dian”. 勿怪,勿怪,他老人家“老翻颠”了。
- Liu Huan sings very well.he's a good (singer). 刘欢唱得很好;他是一个好的歌唱家.
- King Cai Huan got annoyed and sniffed scornfully. 国王板着面孔拒绝了。
- Who's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian ? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
- What do we do with the leftover chao mian? 剩下的炒面怎么办?
- Who 's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian ? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?