- Demo of the Vestax QFO LE from a mix DJ's point of view. 显示: 说明 变更此项以查看特定值以上的评论。
- From a user’s point of view, there is no reason for disks to exist. 从用户的角度看,磁盘没有存在的理由。
- On this question, I agreed with Bergen School and opposed Weitz’s point. 维特根斯坦强调审美的文化环境,文化在他看来不是某种抽象的东西,而是具体的生活形式。
- However, from the user’s point of view, there is no decision to be made at all. 然而从用户的角度看,根本就没有什么决定可做。
- From the programmer’s point of view, equally concerned with all possibilities, this choice could go either way. 从程序员的角度看,存在着同样的可能性,两种选择都可以。
- From a user’s point of view, however, it is integral to the job at hand and should be obvious in the main window. 但从用户的角度看,它是构成整体所必须的功能,应该包括在主窗口中。
- From the Tao' s point of view, ascension restores human knowledge that was lost long ago and was holographic in nature. 从道的视角看来,提升恢复了人类很久前丢失的全息知识。
- The forwarding company' s point of view: There is nothing wrong with offering discount prices. 运输公司的角度:提供回扣价格并没有错。
- Fortunately, from Mr.Helman’s point of view, the issue of Riau’s disappearing forests has become a global one. 幸运的是,在赫尔曼看来,这样的生态危机并不仅仅发生在廖内。
- From the processor"s point of view, memory-mapped I/O devices look very much like memory devices. 从处理器的观点看,内存映射I/O设备看上去非常象内存相同。
- Note that these depend greatly on FENGSHEN's point of recurvature, which is far from certain at this moment. 请注意这些预测会随著风神转向点的不同而改变;
- From the processor"s point of view, memory-mappedv I/O devices look very much like memory devi Dating ces. 从处理器的观点看,内存映射I/O设备看上去很象内存一样。
- Without more support, the author’s point of view is unconvincing and not well reasoned. 在作者的论述中,这一谴责既无正当理由,也缺乏依据。
- Show co-operative play and see other’s point of vies.Be accepting of the necessary rules and regulations. 感觉上上海的一些幼儿园有些理念正是在抄袭国外的教育经验。
- From the user’s point of view, he has pulled his hammer out of his toolbox only to find that there is still a hammer in there. 从用户的角度来看,他已经把锤子从工具箱中取出来了,但却发现锤子依然在工具箱中。
- From the moviegoer’s point of view, it is easy to forget the nuance of sprocket holes and light-interrupters while watching an absorbing drama. 从电影观众的角度来说,在观看一部引人入胜的电影时,很容易忘记影片齿孔间的细微差别和瞬间的光线打断。
- From a user’s point of view, the roles are reversed: It should be the person doing the demanding and the software doing the answering. 从用户的角度,角色被倒置了。 应该是人做出要求,软件进行回答。
- The commission-receiver' s point of view: As long as I did not ask for the kickback, it is fine for me to accept the money. 得到回扣者的角度:只要不是我开口要求回扣,我很乐意接受回扣的钱。
- From MSSP s point: This study shows that only the MSSP which can provide satisfactory services and exact demands, are able to win the customers trust. 从网路保全业者的角度来看:经本研究探讨得知能提供满足客户所有服务需求能力及自身所须知核心条件的网路保全业者,才可得到客户的信赖。
- "CMMI certification" is not valid term from SEI's point of view, SEI doesn't certify or ensure the result of CMMI appraisal. SEI认为所谓的“CMMI认证”并不是一个有效的用词,SEI不对CMMI的评估结果给与认证或保证。