- He served as a chief of staff in the army. 他在部队做参谋长。
- In 1909 Haig was made Chief of Staff of the Indian army. 1909年黑格担任印度军队的总参谋长。
- I informed the President and the Chief of Staff. 我向总统和参谋长做了报告。
- White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. 白宫总参谋长:安德鲁
- IDF Chief of Staff at the time was Moshe Dayan. 国防军总参谋长,在当时是摩西。
- Incoming Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel agrees. 即将上任的奥巴马参谋长伊曼纽尔对此表示同意。
- Pyrrhus admired Fabricius and invited him to be his chief of staff. 皮拉斯对法布里丘斯十分景仰,邀请法布里丘斯做他的参谋长。
- He also advised against becoming Jerry Browns chief of staff. 他还建议我不要去当杰里.;布朗的办公室主任。
- I have nominated Brigadier de Guingand as Chief of Staff Eighth Army. 我已经委派德圭因甘德准将担任第八集团军参谋长。
- From 2001, he was chief of staff of the 3rd submarine flotilla. 从2001年起,他担任第3潜艇编队的指挥官。
- When his chief of staff could not settle differences, he insisted on a one-page memorandum defining the problem, no matter how complicated, and then made his decision. 当他们解决不了时,不管问题多么复杂,他都坚持要他们写出一份不超过一页的备忘录,明确问题所在,然后他再作决定。
- The Republican leaders had received a memorandum from William Kristol, former chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle, urging them to kill health-care reform. 前任副总统丹.;奎尔的办公室主任威廉
- In 1948, General Dwight D. Eisenhower resigned as Army chief of staff; he was succeeded by General Omar Bradley. 1948年的今天;艾森豪威尔将军接替布拉德利将军被任命为军队首领.
- The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week. 领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书。
- Meanwhile, Israel army's new Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon warned that the threat from Palestinian militants should not be underestimated. 然而同时,以色列新任陆军司令雅哈隆将军则警告说,巴勒斯坦好战分子的威胁不可等闲视之。
- He was made Vice Chief of Staff of Army, a four-star rank culminating a spectacularly rapid rise from colonel within four years. 他被任命为陆军副参谋长,在不到4年的时间里他青云直上,从上校跃升到四星将军的高位。
- Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani and the army chief of staff, Gen.Ashfaq Kiyani, will remain in Pakistan during Zardari's trip, the official said. “总理吉拉尼和参谋总长基亚尼将在元首出访期间留在巴基斯坦。”
- Summerall, former Chief of Staff, first win his fame? Summerall上将,是如何赢得他第一次的威望的?
- He was Mr Putin's chief of staff and legal consigliere. 他曾是普京的总参谋长与法律顾问。
- Pakistan Army Chief of Staff Ji Yani Wednesday said that Pakistan does not allow foreign troops on its territory for military action. 巴基斯坦陆军参谋长基亚尼周三表示,巴基斯坦不允许外国军队在其境内进行军事行动。