- XL video China office is located in the neighborhood of the World Trade Centre. xl视频中国总部位于国贸中心附近。
- You may go to the Air China office in Paris or confirm by telephone. 你们可以去中国国航驻巴黎的办事处或打电话确认。
- A North America buying China office has been purchasing furniture in the area with seaport. 我机构为北美家具批发商长期驻华单位,在沿海地区采购家具。
- Jacques Penhirin is a principal in the Greater China office of McKinsey and Company, the management consultancy. 大中华区主合伙人。
- Implements the straight line management by the French Laina pasture wine cellar China office. 由法国莱纳牧场酒窖中国办事处实行直线式管理,全权负责法国莱纳在广西的营销及管理工作。
- Also, our China office is now supplying LUZI products to many well-known enterprises in China mainland. 而在中国多间享有盛誉的企业均由我们在中国的分公司佩诗产品有限公司供应原材料。
- Luxx Newhouse China office and factory located in Beijing with factory area of 25,000+sqft. 中国美新华居公司和工厂位置于北京小汤山地区,朝城东面,占地25,000+坪方尺。
- Guests from CMA CGM China HQ and its North China office paid our terminal a visit in afternoon of March 18, 2009. 2009年3月18日下午,达飞中国区马新华总裁助理、华北地区刘学刚总经理一行来访,黄树人总经理、王连东副总经理会见并陪同客人参观码头和拜访烟台港集团领导。
- North America buying China office has been purchasing furniture in the area with seaport. 我机构为北美家具批发商长期驻华单位,在沿海地区采购家具。
- Staff at Heifer Xinjiang Regional Office did not wait to donate, either. They gave 800 yuan to Heifer China Office. 新疆区域项目员工共捐款800元,直接转交到小母牛成都办,用于支援四川地震灾区。
- Due to its rapid growth, Gomez is looking for high quality individuals to join its newly opened China Office in Shangdi IT Industry Park. 由于公司快速增长的需要,高明公司在北京上地信息产业基地新成立的中国分公司-高明网络科技(北京)有限公司,真诚邀请优秀人才加入。
- Cooperate with UNAIDS China Office to prepare the implementation of RCC/GC, and advocate for the civil society participation into the process. 在中国与UNAIDS合作在中国准备滚动轨道资助(RCC)和合并资助(GC)的过程中促进公民社会的参与,有关RCC及GC将在日后进一步详述。
- It's always always those project managers, mostly it's a girl, from their China office based in HK or SGH, act like real bitch. 这是始终一贯的项目经理,主要是它的一个女孩,从他们的中国办事处设在香港或三星,像真正的婊子。
- Meanwhile, conference details are at planning stage; please feel free to deliver any thoughts and suggestions by contacting ISPE China Office. 会议其他细节还在计划中,如您有任何相关建议和想法,欢迎您联系ISPE中国办公室.
- As the China office of HFI, we provide high quality user experience consulting services, especially for the China market. 作为HFI在华办事处,我们为全球尤其是中国市场的客户提供高品质的可用性咨询服务。
- Due to its rapid growth,Gomez is looking for high quality individuals to join its newly opened China Office in Shangdi IT Industry Park. 由于公司快速增长的需要,高明公司在北京上地信息产业基地新成立的中国分公司真诚邀请优秀人才加入。
- Now, when she interviews for PwC's China office she helps candidates give a good account of their abilities by using both English and Mandarin. 现在,当她为普华永道中国办公室面试的时候,她会用英语和普通话两种语言来帮助候选人良好地陈述自身的能力。
- Zhongguancun office supplies CNT network is established in China office supplies / office equipment / maintenance in one type of shopping site. 中关村办公耗材网是CNT公司在华建立的办公耗材/办公设备/维修于一体的购物型网站。
- And the local UNFPA officials conducted their operations out of the China Office of Family Planning, where these abhorrent practices were taking place. 并且当地的人口基金组织还与中国的计划生育办公室进行了业务的来往,而这些可恶的做法正在发生着。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?