- Sound knowledge of Chinese corporate tax. 充分的中国行政税务方面的知识;
- It's also helpful to remember that Chinese corporate chieftains like Mr. 这并非政府官员第一次回绝向文波的海外并购雄心。
- Exploitation and Enterprising, seek truth and innovation” are our corporate spirit. 开拓进取,务实创新”是我们的企业精神。
- Corporate Spirit: Open Mind, Inaugurating, Concentrate on veteran cultural domains. 企业精神:通达天下,自由创新,专注于大文化产业。
- How to understand the characteristic of present Chinese corporate culture construction? 如何认识现阶段我国企业文化建设的特点?
- The results indicate that the mean-reversion behavior of credit spreads of Chinese corporate bonds is significant. 研究发现,国内企业债券具有明显的均值回复特性。
- Chinese corporate group, a benefactor of the reserve, had arrived early and hoped to use the morning time slot. 一个中国的企业旅游团,保护区的一个捐助者,到达较早,希望能够利用上午的一段时间。
- In fact, most of the rapid increase in surplus savings has come from the Chinese corporate sector in the form of undistributed profits. 实际上,存款余额的快速增长多来自于中国企业的未分配利润。
- It's also helpful to remember that Chinese corporate chieftains like Mr.Xiang aren't always in favor of cross-border M&A. 像向文波这样的中国企业领导并不总是喜欢跨境并购,记住这一点也会有所帮助。
- The Company aims at invigorating China's cement industry, integrates the corporate belief with its employees' career development and advocates a professional, faithful and farseeing corporate spirit. 某公司以振兴中国水泥产业为己任,把企业信念与员工追求紧密结合起来,坚持发扬敬业、诚信、专业、发展的企业精神,培育人企合一、亲情关怀的企业文化;
- Making use of method of SWOT analysis,this paper analyzes inward strength and weakness,outward opportunity and threat of Chinese corporate pe... 因此,利用SWOT分析法,具体探讨我国企业年金发展的内部优势与劣势、外部机会与威胁,在此基础上,给出了相应的战略对策。
- It’s also helpful to remember that Chinese corporate chieftains likeMr.Xiang aren’t always in favor of cross-border M&A. 类似向先生的中国公司大佬在跨国并购中并不受欢迎,记住这一点也是有帮助的。
- The Chinese corporate law reform should take into consideration the observations of comparative corporate governance and be very cautious in introducing Anglo-saxon models. 我国的公司治理法律改革应该在比较公司治理的趋势中把握未来的方向,尤其是引入美英公司的治理措施时,应该采取审慎的态度。
- Chinese corporate brands have been developing for about 30 years.Presently they encounter a fastigium of brand crisis and the crisis has been a commonly frequent occurrence. 摘要中国企业品牌经过近30年的发展,目前已进入品牌危机的高发期,品牌危机常态化。
- They promised to transfer their future enquiries to Chinese Corporations. 他们答应将以后的询盘转给中国公司。
- The Chinese corporations listed increase from 3 to 15 within 10 years. 上榜中国公司10年间由3家增至15家。
- They promised to transfer their future enquires to Chinese Corporation. 他们答应将以后的询盘转给中国公司。
- They promised to transfer their future enquires to Chinese corporations. 他们答应向中国公司转让更多的询盘。
- Since we set up this company we have kept adhered consecutively to the corporation spirit of “solidarity and respecting the facts.Taking people on the focus.And pursuing excellence”. 重庆宝汇机械制造有限公司系隆鑫集团紧密层企业,创建于一九九六年,主要生产、开发摩托车磁电机、启动电机。
- The recent China-Africa summit in Beijing secured further business deals and offers of assistance for Africa. But did it allay the continent's fears about Chinese corporate social responsibility? Godwin Nnannareports. 最近在北京召开的中非论坛峰会使非洲大陆获得了更多的商业合同,并为非洲提供了更多的援助。但是,这会减轻非洲对中国公司社会责任感的担忧吗?请看古德温·恩娜娜的报道。