- This Enrolment Form, when completed, should be returned to the Civil Aid Service Headquarters, 8 To Wah Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 登记加入表格填妥后,须整张寄回香港九龙油麻地渡华路8号民众安全服务队总部。切勿撕去下页的“民众安全服务队条例及规例述要”。
- The Civil Aid Service is a government auxiliary emergency service with an establishment of 3634 adult members,3232cadets and a permanent staff of 120 civil servants. 民众安全服务队(简称"民安队")是政府辖下一支辅助应急队伍,共有3634名成人队员、3232名少年团团员及120名由公务员出任的常额职员。
- The Civil Aid Service is a government auxiliary emergency service with an establishment of 3634 adult members, 3232cadets and a permanent staff of 120 civil servants. 民众安全服务队(简称"民安队")是政府辖下一支辅助应急队伍,共有3634名成人队员、3232名少年团团员及120名由公务员出任的常额职员。
- The Civil Aid Service Department is a government department under the Security Bureau. It has an establishment of 112 full-time staff embracing a Directorate, departmental officers and general grade staff. 处是保安局辖下的一个政府部门,编制人数为112人,包括一名首长级人员,其馀则为部门人员及一般职系人员。
- "Chief Staff Officer, Civil Aid Service [CSO, CAS]" 民众安全服务处总参事
- Civil Aid Service Long Service Bronze Medal 民众安全服务队长期服务铜章
- Each year,the unit co-ordinates a major oil pollution exercise involving oil companies and government departments such as the Government Flying Services and Civil Aid Services. 污染控制小组每年均统筹大规模的溢油事故演习,参与单位包括油公司和政府飞行服务队、民众安全服务队等多个政府部门。
- Civil Aid Service Long Service Gold Medal 民众安全服务队长期服务金章
- Civil Aid Service Long Service Silver Medal 民众安全服务队长期服务银章
- Each year, the unit co-ordinates a major oil pollution exercise involving oil companies and government departments such as the Government Flying Services and Civil Aid Services. 污染控制小组每年均统筹大规模的溢油事故演习,参与单位包括油公司和政府飞行服务队、民众安全服务队等多个政府部门。
- Civil Aid Service [CAS] 民众安全服务处
- Firstly, legal aid service is provided within a wider environment. 首先,法律援助是在广阔的社会环境中提供服务。
- It will also assess the operational and legislative requirements if the Pilot Scheme were to turn into a standing feature of legal aid service. 倘若预计的试验计划成为一项常设的法律援助服务,则亦将评估在运作及立法方面如何配合。
- Publicly funded legal aid services are provided through the Legal Aid Department and the Duty Lawyer Service. 法律援助来自两方面:法律援助署和当值律师服务。
- Publicly-funded legal aid services are provided through the Legal Aid Department and the Duty Lawyer Service. 法律援助来自两方面:法律援助署和当值律师服务。
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- During the year,it made suggestions on several aspects in the provision of legal aid services. 年内,法律援助服务局曾就法律援助服务提出多项建议。
- She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. 她希望获得一份公职。