- Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish. 有咖喱的菜配米饭最妙。
- A wine is a complement to a good meal. 美食加美酒才算完备。
- This dress was tailored to complement her fullness. 这条连衣裙裁剪得衬托出她丰满的体型。
- We've taken on our full complement of new trainees for this year. 我们今年招收的新学员已经满额了。
- complement n 补体的第n成分(n代表1,2, 3等)
- A way of producing the negative of a number by obtaining its complement. 一种通过求一个数的补码来得到该数的负数的方法。
- CN Composite Number and Name data type. 代码与文字合成资料型态。
- activated complement n 获得生物学特性的补体成分n(n代表1;2; 3 ... )
- An organic cyanide containing a CN group. 腈一种含有一个cn基因的有机氰化物
- He fought in the N African campaign during the last war. 在上次战争中他在北非战役参战。
- Music is a complement to a party. 音乐是舞会的补足物。
- Most gammers love the zhanshen. Com. Cn game! 大多数的电子游戏迷喜欢玩战神游戏!
- Contactor CN Series was commercially available. CN系列接触器上市。
- Www. Nongyue. Cdd. Cn The die is cast. 骰子已经掷下。
- Love is the complement of the law. 爱的精神是法律的补充物。
- Landscape of Toronto from CN Tower. 加拿大电视塔鸟瞰多伦多。
- His business skill complement her flair for design. 他的生意经与她对设计的鉴赏力相得益彰。
- It will surpass the CN Tower in Toronto by 57m. 它会比位于多伦多的CN塔还高出了57米。
- May you have the best duanxin100@cn Christmas ever. 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!
- Candiates shall sumit an English and Cn CV. 与人握手时,可多握一会儿。真诚是宝。