- Jolie is staying on the Cote d'Azur with Pitt and their children, and disclosed that the twins may be born there. 安吉丽娜称自己很希望为当地的孩子们做些什么,可是因为不是同一个国家,现在还不清楚通过什么样的方式能够实现。
- The money was deposited in a bank here in Abidjan Cote D'ivoire . 这笔钱存入银行在阿比让科特迪瓦。
- now administered with Cote d'Azur. 现在与达祖角组成一个行政区。
- The third part describes Cote d'Ivoire's full development in modernization. 第四部分科特迪瓦现代化模式的评析以及给我们的启示。
- Joy Daku from Sierra-Leonebut currently reside in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire, it... 不是死老公,就是死双亲,反正天天死亲人,而且都是有钱人。
- 3- I come from Nice (pronounced Nissss) France: la cote d'Azur! 3-我来自法国尼斯:香格里拉科特迪瓦蓝色海岸大区!
- The military camp is located at Todee, which is right on a strategic road from Monrovia to Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea. 军营所在地多迪镇是首都蒙罗维亚通往邻国科特迪瓦和几内亚的必经之道。
- Term of Serv ice: Service in Cote d'Ivoire's armed forces is by selective conscription, with terms lasting six months. 科特迪瓦全国武装力量创建于1960年7月27日,由陆、海、空三军、宪兵和共和国卫队组成。兵役制度:义务兵役制,服役期为6个月。
- And we ended up in the same country in Cote d Ivoire in West Africa.So we were there for about a year. 她们不但分别决定要加入和平队,而且还被派到同一个国家,西非的科特迪瓦。
- So far, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon, Sudan and Cote d'Ivoire outbreak incidents of human infection. 目前已有乌干达、刚果(金)、加蓬、苏丹和科特迪瓦暴发过人类感染事件。
- But wait, there s more. After a year in Cote d Ivoire they also lived together for three months in France! 两个人一起在法国住了三个月?你想想看,如果能和自己最好的朋友一起周游世界,那该多好啊!
- The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire gained independence during the tide of national liberation movement in Africa after World War II. 科特迪瓦是二战后,伴随非洲民族解放运动而独立的新兴国家。
- a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur. 法国东南部以前的一个省;现在与达祖角组成一个行政区。
- Finally Cote d'Ivoire began its staggering but firm process of peaceful development on political and economic renaissance. 在过去三年里,由于科国内局势的不稳定,在华独立日庆典活动亦一度搁置。
- By the grace of God, I was aided by a business partner of my father through our church pastor in Kigali to escape to Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire. 到了上帝的恩典,我是通过我们的资助在基加利教会的牧师逃到科特迪瓦阿比让由我父亲的商业合作伙伴。
- That money was meant for the importation of machineries for his coffee processing which he wanted to establish in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire. 这笔钱本来是用于机械加工,他的咖啡,他希望建立在科特迪瓦阿比让进口。
- Police chief in charge of anti-drugs, Vi Dura said that this was the first time to seize such amount of heroin since Cote d'Ivoire set up its anti-drug squad in 1981. 负责缉毒的警察局长卫·杜阿介绍说,这是科警方自1981年成立缉毒队以来首次查获如此数量的海洛因。
- a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur 法国东南部以前的一个省;现在与达祖角组成一个行政区
- Cote d'Ivoire Minister of Health advised people "in regard to sexual conduct" and announced to allocate special funds for AIDS prevention and treatment. 科特迪瓦的卫生部长劝告国民“在性生活方面要检点”,并宣布拨出专款用于防治艾滋病。
- Police said that the drug suspect would be transferred to Cote d'Ivoire's prosecutors and the investigation on the international drug-trafficking networks involved in the case was underway. 警方说,贩毒嫌疑人30日将被移交科检察机关审理,涉及到与该案有关的国际毒品走私网络的调查正在进行中。