- Credit-Recovery算法Credit-Recovery algorithm
- Credit机制Credit mechanism
- 算法设计algorithm design
- 算法设计与分析The Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- 批准Credit Suisse转让银行牌照予Credit Suisse First Boston将更名为Credit SuisseGranting of the transfer of banking licence of Credit Suisse to Credit Suisse First Boston to be renamed Credit Suisse
- 控制算法control algorithm
- 另一个名为Credit Checking服务器的Oracle实例跟踪具有不良信用历史的客户,这个实例可以从联邦系统中访问到。Another Oracle instance, called the Credit Checking server, tracks customers with bad credit history and is accessible from the federated system.
- 聚类算法clustering algorithm
- 另外还设立农业贷款公司(Commodity Credit corp.),以发放维持价格的贷款和收购特种农产品。到1936年被宣布违宪以前,该计画的成就不大。"It also established the Commodity Credit Corp., to make loans to farmers and to purchase and store crops in order to maintain farm prices. The program had limited success before it was declared unconstitutional in 1936. "
- 启发式算法heuristic algorithm
- 迭代算法iterative algorithm
- 最优控制算法algorithm for optimal control
- 渐缩算法knapsack algorithm
- 调度算法scheduling algorithm
- K-P算法K-P calculation
- KKR算法KKR calculation
- 逼近算法approximate algorithm
- "分裂和合并" 算法split-and-merge algorithm
- 按序算法sequential algorithm
- 编译算法compiling algorithm