- Crispy Shrimp Dumplings with Leek 香酥韭菜盒
- Crispy Shrimp Dumplings in Supreme Soup 灌汤脆皮虾丸
- I will suggest crispy fried duck. 我建议您点香酥鸭。
- Crispy Shrimps with Yellow Wine Sauce 黄酒脆皮虾仁
- The chef 's specialty is shrimp with crispy fried rice crust. 厨师的拿手菜是虾仁锅巴。
- The chef's specialty is shrimp with crispy fried rice crust. 厨师的拿手菜是虾仁锅巴。
- The chef 's specialty is shrimp with crispy fried rice crust . 厨师的拿手菜是虾仁锅巴。
- He was a shrimp of a boy, about six years old. 他是个六岁左右的小家伙。
- If I may sit so, the crispy fried duck is delicious. 如果我可以这么说的话,这香酥鸭味道很好。
- Fruit cocktail; shrimp cocktail. 水果鸡尾酒; 河虾鸡尾酒
- If I may so,the crispy fried duck is delicious. 如果我可以这么说的话,这香酥鸭味道很好。
- I can recommend crispy fried duck. 我可以推荐香酥鸡。
- They have shrimp, lobster, crab, fish... 他们有小虾,龙虾,蟹,还有鱼类,
- I would suggest crispy fried duck. 我建议您点香酥鸭。
- To cut and spread open and flat, as shrimp. 切开,摊开并铺平,如虾
- Yes. and the other dish is shrimp and green pea. 对,另一个菜是青豆虾仁。
- If I mat sit so,the crispy fried duck is delicious. 如果我可以这么说的话,这香酥鸭味道很好。
- Shrimp salad is our speciality too. 虾仁色拉也是我们的特色菜。
- If I may sit so,the crispy fried duck is delicious. 如果我可以这么说的话,这香酥鸭味道很好。