- episodic dyscontrol syndrome 发作性控制不良综合症
- Dyscontrol syndrome 控制不良综合征
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- Number of entries in the DS cache. DS缓存中的项目数量。
- The lower stratum divides again into Ds and Es. 下层又分成D级和E级。
- Made ECs damage model induced by DS. 建立DS诱导的内皮细胞损伤模型。
- The Nintendo DS is not detecting any Access Point. 任天堂DS不是检测任何存取点。
- On game days we get to play (DS) all day. 在游戏机日,我们可以一整天都玩游戏机。
- DS: So, you guys are trend setters, too. 所以你俩也是引领潮流的人物喽。
- XY001,raday contact,DS 01 arrival,rwy 02. 管:学员001,进近雷达识别,合流水01进场,跑道02。
- It jwas ds ne under the pressure of fhe necessity. 这件事是在迫切需要的情况下而做的。
- CCA5972,raday contact,DS 01 arrival,rwy 02. 管:国航5972,进近雷达识别,合流水01进场,跑道02。
- Turn off the power and reinsert the DS Card. 载入时出现:The data could not be written.
- Please turn the power off and reinsert the DS card. 是何解?要如何才玩到呢d游戏,请早日回覆!
- Simple DS Series Vol. 31 - The Chou-Dangan!! Custom Sensha 简单DS系列Vol.;31THE超弹丸!
- DS: So there's no way to see another player's loot? 所以玩家没办法看到其他玩家拾取的掉落?
- In those situations, savant syndrome may appear. 在这些情况下,学者症候群就可能出现。
- IT]Studio DS di De Pieri G. e C. 人均页读数:Page Views per user for [STUDIODS.
- The Frogman Show DS: Datte, Shouganaijanai. - 蛙男剧场DS:可是,不是没有办法。
- METHO_ DS:Using three wavelength spectrophotometry. 方法:采用三波长分光光度法。