- The design of this docking port should be similar to what you see in the next illustration. A roughly circular shape. 对接口的设计应该类似于下方插图中的样式。大体应该是环状截面。
- When a docking port opens, an arm ( a cylindrical corridor ) deploys and connects to the station. 对接口打开时,会有一条机械臂(内有环形通道)伸出并与空间站对接。
- A ship will approach a station at a specifc point, and once in a good position, the docking port will open and an arm ( a long cylindrical corridor ) deploy into the station. 当一艘船靠近空间站的指定停靠位置时,对接口会打开,然后伸出一个臂(一条长长的圆柱走廊)连接到空间站上。
- The bigger ships could easily have one docking port of 30m, or a set of smaller docking ports, all located at the front. 更大的船可以轻易的拥有一个直径达30米的对接口,或者是一系列的小对接口,都位于前端。
- However the large number of unused docking ports indicated substantial room for expansion. 但是大量未用的接轨舱门显示出潜在的扩充空间。
- When a docking port opens, an arm ( a cylindrical corridor ) deploys and connects to the station. For the system to work, all stations must also feature docking ports on their hull. 对接口打开时,会有一条机械臂(内有环形通道)伸出并与空间站对接。为使系统能正常工作,每个空间站都必须装配对接口。
- All ships have docking ports in front of them in order to connect to stations in which they wouldn't otherwise fit ( in the hangars / garages ). 所有舰船前端都装有对接口,以便在无法进入机库或泊位的情况下,仍能与空间站对接。
- Allowed docking ports range from LMK4 to MK3. Under LMK4, the corridor would be too small for humans to walk; over MK3 is probably overkill. 允许对接口大小处于LMK4到MK3之间。如在LMK4以下,人走在回廊里行走就过于狭窄;而在MK3以上多就过大了。
- Bigger ships will likely not land in garages in stations or on planets, but either hover on planets, or dock to space stations via docking ports. 更大的船则很可能不会停在空间站的泊位里,或行星上,但是可以在行星表面翱翔,或者与空间站对接。
- In that case, we will use one of our standard docking ports ( such as the one on the Makon ) and place it on your ship in the finalization / validation Step. 在这种情况下,我们会用一个自设的标准接口(参照Makon的那个)在定稿前安装到你的飞船上。
- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- The cruise ship is strikebound in the dock. 巡洋舰因罢工而停泊在码头上。
- The lights in the harbour guided the ship to port. 海港的灯引导船只进入港口。
- The judge looks over to the prisoner in the dock. 法官打量了被告席上的犯人。
- We went ashore when the boat reached the port. 船一靠港我们就上岸了。
- The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。
- The judge looked over to the prisoner in the dock. 法官打量了被告席上的犯人。
- The small port has developed into a big city. 该小港市已发展成为一个大城市。
- The ship was in dock for major repairs. 船停在船坞里大修。
- Ships must follow the channel into the port. 船只必须沿航道进入港口。