- She got depressed and began to let things slide. 她情绪低落,一切都听之任之。
- No, Chu-chai, we can't just let things slide! 竹斋,一定不能消极!
- I've just let things slide, I'm afraid. 恐怕我现在唯有听任事态恶化了。
- It's useless to ask Father to help; he'll merely let things slide. 向父亲求援是无益的,他根本就不会关心。
- You'll have to make a positive decision, not just let things slide. 你必须作出积极的决定,而不是听其自然。
- The mission has been in charge of native missionaries and I'm terribly nervous that they've let things slide. 教堂交给了土著传教士们掌管,我实在担心他们会放任自流。
- He got depressed and began to let things slide(= failed to give things the attention they needed). 他意气消沉,得过且过。
- Firstly, because it made me mad, the way he let things slide while I was wearing myself out outside. 一来是,我在外头受累,他不要强,教我生气。
- Don't let things slide. 不要任其自流。
- Ll have to let things slide. 事到如今,我们也只好听其自然了。
- Don' t let the acid splash on your hand. 别让酸液溅到手上.
- Don' t let your conduct give any handle for gossip. 别让你的行为成为人家说三道四的话柄。
- Don' t let your mind rust during the vacation. 不要让你的脑子在假期里变迟钝。
- Don' t let your mind wander during the lecture. 在上课时不要让自己的思想开小差。
- Don' t let me catch sight of you doing it again ! 别让我再看到你干这种事了!
- Letting things slide at the start.If you find that your mother-in-law is interfering too much, or visiting too often, or offering too much advice, don't put off talking to her about it, says Apter. 如果您的婆婆干涉太多,或尝尝来探访,或提供太多的建议,不要推迟谈论她,阿普特说。
- Don' t let one failure discourage you, try again. 不要因为一次失败就气馁,再试一试看。
- Don' t let such a little victory puff you up. 不要让这样一点点胜利使你们骄傲自大起来。
- Don' t let such a small matter divide us. 不要让这种小事使我们失了和气。
- Don' t let the child fall into the pit. 别叫孩子掉进坑里去。