- Today ,how mach do you eat vegetable andfruit? 今天你吃了多少水果和蔬菜呢?
- Don't you eat vegetables? 你不吃蔬菜吗?
- On the day that you have eaten vegetables, how many bowls of vegetables do you eat? One bowl refers to the size of a rice bowl. 只计有食瓜菜的日子,你平均一日会食多少碗份量相等于一个饭碗的瓜菜呢?
- When you eat bread in Bulgaria, don not waste any. 保加利亚人认为浪费面包是无法赎回的罪过.
- From a child, he does not like to eat vegetables. 从小时候起他就不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- If you eat too much chocolate you'll get fat. 吃巧克力太多会发胖。
- If you plant the seeds now, you can eat vegetables in two months. 如果你现在播种,两个月之后就可以吃到蔬菜。
- No wonder you can't sleep when you eat so much. 你吃这么多难怪睡不着。
- I eat vegetables because my conscience revolts against killing animals. 我吃蔬菜,因为我从良心上对杀生感到厌恶。
- You eat too much candy. It's bad for your teeth. 你糖吃得太多了。这对你的牙齿不好。
- You'll never be in shape until you eat less and take more exercise. 只有少吃多锻炼才能健美。
- Yael: Don, are you eating my tulips? 亚:堂,你在吃我的郁金香吗?
- From a child, he do not like to eat vegetable. 从小时候起他就不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- Don't make a face. Eating vegetables is good for you. 别做鬼脸,吃蔬菜对你有益。
- A: Don't make a face. Eating vegetables is good for you. 别做鬼脸,吃蔬菜对你有好处。
- Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too much. 假如你吃太多巧克力会使你倒胃口。
- Do you like to eat vegetable soup? 你喜爱喝清菜汤吗?
- What do you eat normally during a normal day ? 你平时都吃些什么?
- Janet eats vegetables at school and after school. 在学校和放学后都会吃很多蔬菜。
- You get wind when you eat too quickly. 吃得太快会腹内胀气。