- One who lives in a border district. 边境居民生活在边境地区的人
- The eastern border of the country is defined by the Mekong river. 这个国家的东部以湄公河为界。
- Southwest border Pyrenees mountains, along the eastern border with the Alps. 西南紧邻比利牛斯山脉,东接阿尔卑斯山。
- Toward the eastern border, quilboar displaced from Durotar have started creating dens with thorned hedgerow barriers. 到了东面边界,从杜隆塔尔迁来的箭猪开始修建带有荆棘篱墙的洞穴。
- Andre Maginot, the French Minister of Defence, had this wall built along the eastern border of France but forgot about Belgium. 法国国防部长安德烈。马奇诺沿法国东部边办构筑了这条墙式防线,但他忘了比利时是缺口。
- The plane crashed on a ridge in eastern Congo while on its way from Kisangani to Bukavu, on Congo's eastern border with Rwanda. 这架飞机是从基桑加尼飞往位于刚果东部同卢旺达交界处的布卡武的,飞机在刚果东部的一个山脉上坠毁。
- At present opened the remote border district motor transport, for example: Inner Mongolia's line and so on Manzhouli, Xinjiang's Urumqi, Karamay, Guangzhou, Shenzhen. 目前开辟了边远地区汽车运输,如:内蒙的满洲里、新疆的乌鲁木齐、克拉玛依、广州、深圳等线路。
- Germany also was at war on its eastern border, with Russia. Losses on that battlefront, too, totaled more than a million men. 德国同时在它的东边边界同俄国开战,前线的损失巨大,伤亡人数超过百万。
- Abstract: Xishuangbanna southwest China's border district of the tropical rain forest area live here with Dai Hani Lahu Brown keno Yao and other 13 ethnic minorities. 西双版纳自治州是云南省南部边地。古代傣语为“(孟力)巴拉那西”,意思是“理想而神奇的乐土”。这里聚居着傣、哈尼、拉祜、布朗、基诺、瑶等13个少数民族,与老挝、缅甸等国接壤。
- Tamil Tiger rebels have sunk a Sri Lankan naval cargo ship in the eastern border of Trincomalee, hours before voting began in key provincial elections. 泰米尔猛虎组织在亭可马里大选数小时前击沉了一艘位于该省东部边缘的斯里兰卡的军用货轮。
- Boniface founded a bishopric there in AD 742, and by 805 it was an important center on the Frankish empire's eastern border. 西元742年卜尼法斯(Boniface)建立主教区,805年成为法兰克帝国东部边境的重镇。
- So we bombed the hell out of the railroad marshaling yards and road hubs along the Wehrchat's line of retreat, up and down Germany's eastern border. 所以,我们就把铁路编组场,公路枢纽炸成地狱,以阻止国防军沿线撤往德国东部边疆区。
- Aranyi started at Zahony on the Hungary's eastern border and dragged the 420kg carriage to Szombathely on the western border in 22 days. 阿然伊从匈牙利东部边境城市扎霍尼出发,用22天时间,拉拽着420公斤的马车到达西部边境城市松博特海伊。
- Expand open to the outside world with economy of region of edge border district exceed constant development Niu Delin external economy is open, it is the one big trend in world economy motion. 扩大对外开放与沿边地区经济的超常发展牛德林对外经济开放,是世界经济运动中的一大潮流。
- Swaziland is topographically part of the South African Plateau and is separated from the Mozambique coastal plain by the Lebombo Range at its eastern border. 紫红色长方形中央的图案是一面盾,二支矛和一杆棍棒。紫红色象征历史上的无数次战斗;
- Yet Pakistan's generals, having scotched that offer, leapt to battle-stations.They shifted several thousand troops from the north-west to the eastern border. 然而,曾阻挠扎尔达里提议的巴基斯坦将军们却奔向了战位,将数千军人从西北调往东部边境。
- In particular, corruption along the zone's 5,000 kilometer-plus (3,125 miles) eastern border with Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and northern Balkan states is of concern. 尤其是再加上与俄罗斯,白俄罗斯,乌克兰和北部巴尔干国家接壤(3125英里)的东部边境,申根区5000公里的边防问题令人关注。
- Centralize Three Border District Control Room 合并三个边境区控制室
- Fuyang River flows through the city from south to west, is divided into West and Heilonggang Fuming two parts, Wei Canal just swept over the eastern border, into a tributary of NOT. 滏阳河由南向西流经全市,分为滏西和黑龙港两部分,卫运河只是掠东部边境而过,没有支流汇入。
- Poem nature of the border district 边缘处的诗性