- (=Emergency Room) 急诊室E.R.
- General Foods Corp. (美国)通用食品公司
- (=emergency) 紧急,意外,急症emerg.
- General Dynamics Corp. (美国)通用动力公司
- [+fire,emergency] 如果发生in case of
- Export Development Corp. (加拿大)出口发展公司
- emergency O2 valve氧气快速开关
- 这次的民意调查是由一家马里兰航空咨询公司Furton Corp.The poll by Zogby International was commissioned by Futron Corp.
- P.E.O.=Plant Emergency Organization工厂防险队
- emergency hand pump connector (油轮)应急手泵联接器
- Inc和Corp的就是指这类公司。要向公众出售股份,他们必须先申请加入证券交易委员会。The abbreviations Inc and Corp refer to such companies. To sell shares to the public they must apply to the Securities Exchange Commission.
- FEMA=Federal Emergency Management Agency联邦紧急情况管理局 联邦应急管理局
- 可以还原或删除该文件,也可以将数据库设置为EMERGENCY模式。The file can be restored or dropped, or the database can be set to EMERGENCY mode.
- Certicom Corp.(TSX(多伦多证券交易所代码):CIC)致力于以经过政府核准的安全性保护您的数据、应用程序和设备的价值。Certicom Corp. (TSX: CIC) protects the value of your content, applications and devices with government-approved security.
- 例如,可以将由于损坏了日志文件而标记为可疑的数据库设置为EMERGENCY状态。For example, a database marked as suspect due to a corrupted log file can be set to the EMERGENCY state.
- 1996年再度自行分为三家独立公司:美国电话电报公司、朗讯科技公司(由以前的西方电气公司和贝尔实验室组成)和国民收款机公司(NCR Corp)。"In 1996 AT&T divided its operations into three separate companies: AT&T Corp., Lucent Technologies Inc. (composed of the former operations of Western Electric and Bell Laboratories), and the NCR Corp."
- 如果一个数据库在恢复过程中被标记为可疑,现在可将该数据库置于EMERGENCY模式,以便允许If a database has been marked suspect during recovery, it can now be placed into EMERGENCY mode to allow members of the
- 另外还设立农业贷款公司(Commodity Credit corp.),以发放维持价格的贷款和收购特种农产品。到1936年被宣布违宪以前,该计画的成就不大。"It also established the Commodity Credit Corp., to make loans to farmers and to purchase and store crops in order to maintain farm prices. The program had limited success before it was declared unconstitutional in 1936. "
- 紧急停车系统ESD(Emergency Shutdown Device)是90年代发展起来的一种专用的安全保护设备。ESD( Emergency Shutdown Device) is a special safety system which develops in the ninties of the 20th century.
- 他们还拥有指挥因特网信息传递的通信控制装置。大的主干网提供商并不太多,包括MCI、WorldCom、Sprint Corp. (FON)、GTE和PSI Net inc. (PSIX)。They also own the communications gear that directs traffic over the Internet. There are only a handful of major backbone providers, including MCI, WorldCom, Sprint Corp. (FON), GTE, and PSINet Inc. (PSIX).