- Ethical code of practice for international trade of food. 国际食品贸易的道德操作规程。
- Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. 廉正,诚实恪守严格的道德规范或宗教教义
- The barbarous feudal ethical code literally snuffed out her young life. 万恶的封建礼教把这个年轻的妇女活生生地折磨死了。
- Therefore, these standards should be used in conjunction with the most recent version of the NBCC ethical code. 因此,这些标准应与NBCC伦理原则的最新版本联合应用。
- The pursuing is rouse of humanity, and also is the tergiversation to traditional female role of the ethical code . 这种追求是人性觉醒之表现,也是对礼教规范的传统女性角色之背叛。
- It teaches ethical codes which are not conducive to human happiness. 它所传播的道德规范有益于人类的幸福。
- Metaphysicians wish that nature disposition can supplement and adjust Confucian Ethical code, and, they think that nature disposition is the power advancing society and history. 玄学理想人格的特征仍然是儒道兼综,他们希望用道家的自然情性去规范和补充儒家的纲常伦理,并且显示出了把自然情性看作社会和谐、历史前进的真正动力的思想。
- What drives them astray is devotion to an unattainable object (mother or mother-substitute) together with the inculcation, in early years, of a ridiculous ethical code. 把他诱入迷途的,是对于一个无法到手的对象的崇拜(母亲或母亲的代替物),加上早年所受的可笑的伦理教训。
- In the process of development of science and technology, the ethic code, standardizes ceaselessly and guides the direction of science development. 可以说,在科学技术的发展过程中,伦理道德规范如影随形,不断地规范和引导科学发展的方向。
- Such a situation must be changed completely and reality requires more devotion to the research of the practicability and verifiability of the ethical code. 现实迫切要求我们致力于道德规范的实效性,操作性研究,彻底改变目前某些道德规范形同虚设的尴尬局面。
- The Compliance Committee will work with member bodies to encourage greater compliance with the standards, ethical code and other pronouncements of IFAC and of the IASB. 合规性审查委员会将与各成员协作,以鼓励其遵循国际会计师联合会和国际会计准则理事会颁布的准则、道德守则和其他公告。
- Modern credit covering virtue or individual self-cultivation,ethical code or public morality is bound to be represented by the arrangement of social system. 作为美德或个人修养、伦理规则或公共道德的现代诚信范畴,最终要通过社会的制度安排体现出来。
- This paper discusses how to establish the ethic code of pharmacy in China on the basis of analysis the basic concepts and content of ethic of pharmacy. 探讨建设我国药学职业道德规范的思路;阐释和分析建设药学职业道德规范应明确的基本概念及药学职业道德规范的基本内容;
- IFCI = International Fire Code Institute 国际消防法规学会
- Companies must outline ethical codes and require employees to sign agreements that they will not divulge information. 公司应该写明道德规范,并要求员工签署协议,声明不会泄露公司的商业机密。
- In early Wei Jin seclusion culture is not well developed, which is directly connected with the attitude of the ruling class toward it who takes the Confucian ethical code as its political call. 摘要魏晋之初的隐逸文化并不发达,这跟其时奉虚伪“名教”为政治号召的统治阶级对隐逸行为的态度有直接关系。
- Feudal ethical codes did not poison people of that time, but also brought endless harm to generations to come. 封建礼教对人的毒害不只是当时当地,对后代也贻害无穷。
- The belief of the universality of implementing similar ethical codes in all cultures and societies is a mirage. 在所有文化和社会中将各种信念(信仰)按照统一的道德标准贯彻实施是不现实的。
- On the one hand, he fiercely criticizes the unenlightened view on women of the feudal ethical code in China,such as"the unclean concept", "the chaste concept", "the small feet culture", etc. 一方面,他对我国封建礼教的落后妇女观,如不净观、贞节观、小脚文化等进行了猛烈的抨击,指出它们的非人性化性质;
- As immortal spirits, ghost and god are entertained by sacrifice, which constitutes the core of the ethical codes of Confucianism. 鬼神作为不死的灵魂需歆享祭祀,而这种祭祀构成儒教礼仪的主要成分。