- It was a smash hit. This dissertation firstly introduces the classic Balck-Scholes model for European style options and the binomial tree pricing model for American style options. 本论文从Black-Scholes经典期权定价模型和二项式期权定价模型入手,结合外汇期权自身特点,在Black-Scholes期权定价模型和二项式期权定价模型基础上推导出欧式外汇期权和美式外汇期权的定价公式。
- This building is in European style. 这是欧洲式的建筑。
- The design of restaurant shows European style. 大厅的设计尽显欧陆风情。
- This is a building in European style. 这是一幢欧式建筑。
- Visit or shop at the European style Quincy Market in the evening. 夜间参观著名的昆西市场,您可以在此购物或享用虾大餐。
- European Style Industry Model The first choice of starred hotels. 欧式风格,行业典范。星级宾馆的首选。
- There are many wooden houses in European style in this town. 在这座小城里有许多欧式木造房屋.
- New European style industrial computer and PLC automation control cabinets. 新的欧洲流行计算机自控控制柜。
- A bulldozer is pushing down a wall, in front of an European style building. 推土机正在一座欧式建筑的前面推着......
- Based on study of two different cases, stock without payment of bonus and stock with payment of successive bonus, this paper gives formula of Europe style option risk index VaR. 基于考虑股票不支付红利和支付连续红利的两种情况 ,本文给出了欧式期权风险指标 Va R的计算公式
- Each European style villa put in the natural landscape exquisitely, constructs a world outside garden. 一幢幢欧式风格的别墅精心摆放在自然山水间,构筑了世外桃园。
- On the Styles menu, the Build Style option becomes available when you place the insertion point within the curly braces that follow the selector for a style rule. 将插入点置于样式规则选择器后的大括号内时,“样式”菜单上的“生成样式”选项即变为可用。
- FOXY: All I saw of her was CPU play. She fights with a European style rapier sword. 我看到的都是电脑用的。她像一个欧洲的快剑手。
- The Wrapping Style options are available when you click a picture in a table, but clicking an option won't affect the text. 在单击表中的图片时,“环绕方式”选项是可用的,但是单击其中一个选项不会影响文字。
- Looking windows blue sky clear water ends the European style gardens, and will make you happy with. 眺望窗外蓝天碧水,匠心独具的欧式园林,必令阁下身心无比舒畅。
- The ground floor of Shanghai South Railway Station all adopts "Chuncui European Style" gypsum products. 上海南站底层部分全部采用“纯翠欧风”石膏制品。
- Enumeration represents the different border style options for a cell in a. 中单元格的不同边框样式选项。
- Enumeration represents the different border style options for a control. 枚举表示控件的不同边框样式选项。
- DiHao Holiday Hotel to the overall European style classical style building, Zhuhai most unique tourist resort hotels. 帝濠度假酒店整体以欧式古典风格建筑,是珠海最具特色的旅游度假酒店。
- The ZhengTian VIP dinning room with a European style design, it would bring you a very deluxe dinning environment. 正天豪包融尊贵富丽气派于一体,是欧陆式陈设及高雅格调的典范,让您置身于一个温馨舒适而又优美的环境。