- What is the expected number of days of processing per year? Number of hours per day? 每年的工作天数是多少?每天运行多少小时?
- The number of days lost through strike has fallen. 因罢工而失去的工作日减少了。
- He was absent a number of days and got his leave. 他好几天没上班,后来被解雇了。
- Double the expected number of people came to the meeting. 出席会议的人数比预期的多一倍。
- The number of days in February this year is. 今年二月份的天数是二十八天。
- The day (1 through the number of days in month). 日(1到month中的天数)。
- Has the number of days been recorded? 这时间记录下了么?
- What is the mean number of days off schedule? 延期交货天数的平均值是多少?
- Specify a number of days in the text field. 在文字方格中填入天数。
- It will take a number of days to finish writing my paper. 我得花上许多天来写完我的报告。
- I will host a student extern for the following number of days. 在2008年外展实训进行期间,我可以提供以下天数的实训机会。
- Only half the expected number of delegates turned up, and the progress reports were unrealistic and largely irrelevant. 到会的只有一半人,工作报告不切实,不扼要;
- A row of data in a delimited text file does not have the expected number of fields. 分隔的文本文件中的数据行不具有预期的字段数。
- The doublet nature of this and other lines in the Na spectrum indicates a doubling of the expected number of states available to the valence electron. 钠光谱中的这条线以及其它线的双重性指出预期价电子可用的状态数是双重的。
- Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates. 计算两个日期间相差的天数、月数或年数。
- What is the minimum number of days that the shortest tour lasts? 最短的旅行最少是几天?
- Determines the client application behavior for selecting values of the attribute, based on the expected number of unique values. 根据所需的唯一值的数量,确定客户端应用程序在选择属性值时的行为。
- "It actively stalked the dog for a number of days," Douglas said. “蛇把狗卡在喉咙几天,”道格拉斯说。
- A counting semaphore can be implemented simply by creating the FIFO with a size large enough to accommodate the expected number of "give" operations. 票上打出的旗语,可以简单地实施创造FIFO的一个尺寸大到足以容纳预期数目的人" ,让"集中行动。